Daryl, I think the Facile Princeps might have been what I had in mind when I typed that! Anyway, right, I'd love the experience of owning one, just not enough to part with the cash to do it. I've been static on doubles in the safe for several years now, although Dad's Beretta Silver Snipe 12 just came to live with me. That makes three.
As to nosed hammers, my one, lone experince was with a friends 700, that broke the nose of the right barrel hammer on the opening shot, of the opening season, of two years past, the pheasant escaped. Said gun was out of commision the rest of the year. It was an expensive fix, as I recall.
Enjoy that Monarch, in 16, no less. A superb upland gun, I imagine. If I owned it, I'd pretty much relegate that gun to bluebird conditions, and use something else in the nasty weather. I've noticed I stumble about a bit more in the field these days as well, and the stock for, say, an American pump is easier to come by than the same for my Tobin, restocked to fit my sorry, lefthanded arse, for example. I'm poor enough that I choose to delay the onset of repairs to the old guns I own, by being ever so careful in their use.