I love the way Joe Taylor put it all into the perspective of market economics. Free supply and demand works to keep everyone happy and actually works at giving value to what has to be protected. The opposite of massive regulatory bans and command style economy to dictate what crops should be harvested or not distorts everything into a horrible wasteland.

Look at what gardeners do. Their job is to turn what is otherwise just weeds into valued growth. How do we make the difference between live plants and bad weeds? You'd think an efficiency commanding horticulturist would go around whacking everything in sight? well no, it is only after the skillful but merciless hacking at the prickly thorn bush that we get beautiful roses.

Imagine that florists were banned on the account that what they do is the horrifying sexual mutilation of the mild mannered (and so-called harmless, never mind allergies) plants, and we'd have a ban on roses, tulips, carnations... - a bouquet is the sort of kinky trophy to make the prudes carve out their eyes - and so, now, we'd have a destroyed gardening industry. No value in the flowers, no value in the thorn bush, and we'd be left with mass weed poisoning programs and acres of waste land and no free markets to lift the world out of the misery of equality. After all, if I can't have my trophy tulips why should a jealous have an impaled bug hanging in his den? Me, honestly, as long as we are erring on the side of freedom, I couldn't care less what anyone does with their time and money. I am truly happy for everyone.

On that note...

I loved Gregsy's Rocky Mountain dreams of waking up erect at the thoughts of a big furry bear and ready to shoot the big gun. Hilarious stuff. Double X rated stuff.

Just funny. Thanks for the grin.