Just what is the 'Top of the Food Chain?'

I think it's pretty easy to opine that humans are generally jackasses in the grand scheme of things. For example, we think it's OK to kill a rat for no purpose, because they are not cuddly or magnificent, but we frown on killing a Panda Bear because it is cute, a jaguar because it is sleek, a gorilla because it reminds us of our high school football coach. In effect, if an animal appeals to our sense then it lives, if it doesn't it dies.

You could argue pretty easily that a rat is a far superior animal than a koala bear or jaguar. After all, the rat has thrived over history whereas the koala and jag are foundering as species. And don't tell me it's because humans have encroached on the habitats of the jaguar.....I think rats have it worse in that regard as well.

Look at the pigeon versus the Bald Eagle - one poops all over 5th Avenue by the thousands, and one is barely able to survive as a species.

Top of the Food Chain? Huh?