What a great response. Thanks all. I have lots of Universal and STS hulls so that would be a good starting point. Now the STS hulls don't have a long life but as the folded crimp area burns through they are candidates for 2 1/2 hulls- maybe with a Harten crimp using 410 over shot cards to take up space. Wonder if a hole puncher would make big enough ones for this purpose. The disc is 1/4". Worth a try and I better pull those burnt hulls out of my waste basket before I bury them with more junk on top. I think I now know where to start. What great ideas. I have messed around with 12g. but this is like micro work. Should be fun. Now to find the time to do all this. Happy holidays and a happy and healthy New Year to all of you. What a great bunch of friends I have made here on this board.


So many guns, so little time!