Good on you Timmy Lad- as my GrandFather Sean would often say- "You hope in one hand, and crap in the other, and see which one fills up first"! Myself, I fear the worse as far as a law-abiding hunter, shooter and gun owner- This Muslim in a semi-good suit will try to screw us over-even if the Supremes had voted, let's say- 7 to 2 (I wanted it 9 to zip-didn't we all though?) with the mandate Barracks Bag Boy Bahama Mama got, and the newer high % of his Demmy-Cratz in the House of Reps.-and the odds of at least 2-maybe three openings due to retirements on the Supreme Court during his first four years- Katie, bar the door. We will still have our 2nd. Amendment rights, but they will be "modified until Hell won't have it" and every time some Neo-Nazi skinhead types a la Columbine shoot up a school or a church, we'll get branded with that tarry brush-You think Bloomberg is gonna give up- sure, a few gutsy (and good for them) out of New York State gun dealers have fought back in the courts-but these antis are "on a roll"- where is Chuck Heston now that we really need him- "From my cold dead hands" is the ONLY way the Obama followers will get my weapons- I guaran-damn-tee it-- RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..