Don't give up hope yet Major. Just as there was a "Special Ops." plan to nail that traitor-[censored] Hanoi Jane Fonda and her dipstick rich hubby Ted Turner- after they bought that property in MT and posted it-even the rivers, and MT has "run of the river access rights"- some ex-well- anyway ex- were plotting to take them out via a sniper op. while they were fly-fishing out there-didn't happen, they never got Rev. Jesse Jackson (yet) but how many Secret Service agents are gonna "take the High Hard One" for McCoon-maybe he'll let them keep their "duty" weapons, as long as they are unloaded and with the trigger locks in place.

The last words old Fat Boy Orson Welles said on his deathbed were "Keep that God*&^%$ Ted Turner and his crayons the Hell away from my movies- Idiots with too much money-Turner, Hollywood, Streisand, etc-they never worry about being mugged or the CCW rights- they have hired body guards- Best thing about having Osama Bahama Mama gone is Biden has so many skeletons in his closet (MBNA Bank "fixes" in DE) that he can be "put in line"-Biden knows he's on the NRA's "fecal roster"-he may be a [censored], but he's NOT a dumb [censored]-

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..