I'm fond of the 28 gauge and love the 16 gauge for the very reasons Jim Legg lists when he slams the 16 ... because they're both unusual and effective. I guess I'm a contrarian, but as long as most hunters (not those who hang out here) think 12 and 20 gauge Italian autos are the only shotguns worth owning, I'll shoot pheasants with my 5 lb. 15 oz. 16 gauge Lefever and ducks with my Sweet Sixteen A-5 ... and not give a rip that most hunters look at me like I've just pulled a hickory shafted "brassie" out of my golf bag. How can anyone who loves to shoot guns that fire only two shots -- out of two separate barrels, for heavens sake! -- NOT love a relic gauge like the 16? TT

"The very acme of duck shooting is a big 10, taking ducks in pass shooting only." - Charles Askins