M.L. -- the pre-production (not prototype) guns I shot were made in the new factory in Turkey.

If you think it is impossible to make a good gun in Turkey, then nothing will change your mind.

But . . . I know junk. And these are not junk. They actually are quite nice. I'd post photos here, if I could figure out how.

No one is shoving anything down anywhere. You certainly are free to not buy, and you are even free to call a gun junk when you haven't seen it, much less shot it. Your perogative.

I'm looking forward to seeing a Grade II in 28 gauge. If I can get one with 28 or 29-inch barrels, two triggers (though this is not a deal-breaker for me), and a weight of about 6 pounds, I'm on board.

Would I prefer a sidelock? Probably, but in a slim action like this, with a nice rounded body, it's not a big deal for me.

I'll be talking about these guns on the radio show Sunday. Should be fun to hear what others think about them. The callers will weigh in, I'm sure.