Lets see…. Lunch today with a client that is going to let me do opening day on his property. It’s forty-five minutes from my place in Denver, has about a mile of creek, a small pond and lots of cottonwoods. Lots of birds too. I’m a VERY lucky fellow this year. It doesn’t get much better than this living smack dab in the center of Denver. I bought lunch! I’m taking a buddy who has never shot dove before and who is a much better shot than me.

The following weekend it is my annual trip to the San Luis Valley for dove. A friend owns an organic farm down there and he lets me hunt. A long drive, not a whole lot of birds, but the sunrise over Sand Dunes National Monument is worth the trip. I’ve already loaded up 75 fiber-wad, bismuth shells to keep it all bio-friendly, as requested.

Lets see some photos when the time comes.