I didn't know who Jim Legg was ...but I most certainly do now....as do hundreds of others.
I don't have any personal axe to grind here. However, this whole exchange is about fighting against clarity in an industry standard. A 3 day inspection is simply that. Return it for whatever reason. That is why a buyer agrees to pay shipping and insurance if returned.
The implications of Legg's comments are that had the buyer simply said "I am returning it...I don't like it." He would have accepted the return....the 26" barrels notwithstanding. Legg is trying to redefine an (until now) accepted industry standard with a specious and juvenile "gotcha" argument and "extraneous facts". Buyers can be difficult...but even the most difficult people get 3 day inspection periods. Legg is a dealer….let's all remember that. He is supposed to uphold that standard.
Having destroyed his reputation over a crappy $1300 gun could be the most stupid thing imaginable. Legg has done thousands of dollars worth of damage to himself.
Bad reputations in this business get distributed geometrically. As evidence of that, I have not posted here in quite a while, but I learned of and was directed to this story from an entirely different site and I suspect it is on several other sites. It doesn't really matter that some here agree with Mr. Legg….nor does it matter that Mr. Legg is so strident in his supposed righteousness …his reputation is done. Not very smart….but whatever.
We all know who the "bad players" are in this business. Mr. Legg has unfortunately just enrolled in that most august group….with honors.