Thanks guys.
Murphy, I always work with the best, and i apreciate your support of the shooting sports.
I would like to shoot at your club when I get out there, if guests are allowed..
Jimmy, I have met Bob a couple of times, and seen a few of his action jobs come through my doors, they seem to work quite well.

Steven, you are in good company, Trevallion commented on the woodsman grips when we chatted on the phone today, they really are quite nice. I think an ACGG member did the work, but I don't know for sure.
The Pistol is in for engraving, and I always function the gun when I am the delivery guy. It did missfire a couple of times, I think the firing pin spring is weak from laying in the box cocked,as the gun apears to be in mint condition. I will replace it, and try it again.

Last edited by Barry Lee Hands; 08/10/08 01:39 AM.

All the best,
Barry Lee Hands