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Posted By: Ghostrider Need Merkel letter in German interpreted. - 11/08/23 05:36 AM
I would like to see if one of our members well versed with the German language and Merkel's to help translate my factory letter on my recently purchased model 127E.
I am willing to pay for your time.
Thanks Phil
Gunwolf can help you, he is German and live near Bonn.
If Gunwolf or Marc can't give you a precise translation, maybe I can give you a general understanding of it, but understand my poor German is "picked up", without any formal schooling.
Thanks Mike I appreciate the offer. I am sending a PM to gunwolf asking if he can help.
I have not heard back from Gunwolf. Mike has helped me quite a bit with some of the interpretation but am still looking for additional help.
These production cards can be difficult to read and it would be helpful if a member versed in reading these cards could assist me.
I can PM a copy of the card.
Those cards are hard to read sometimes, if written in old German script. I can give it a try.
Thank you Fuhrmann. I have sent you a picture of the card by PM. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Hi Ghostrider,

do you still need help ? I am a native German with passing english. I could take a stab at it.

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