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Posted By: gjw Carl Goluch Hammergun - Additional Info - 01/28/12 09:46 PM
Hi all, well I got the gun today, very nice!!! Very well made, I'm impressed! Does not look like it's been refinished.

Anyway, there is a series of numbers by the bbl lug and they are as follows:


So, what do they mean, help educate me!

Thanks so much!!

Posted By: ellenbr Re: Carl Goluch Hammergun - Additional Info - 01/28/12 11:28 PM
#1499 in 1931. Is there a dot between the 158 like 15.8 for 15.8mm on the preliminary(16.0 for final) pass?

Kind Regards,

Posted By: gjw Re: Carl Goluch Hammergun - Additional Info - 01/29/12 12:53 AM
Hi Raimey, there is no dot in the 158 series.

Thanks so much!!!

Posted By: ellenbr Re: Carl Goluch Hammergun - Additional Info - 07/28/13 02:09 PM
Looking for something else of course, but I stumbled upon some info on Karl Goluch of Linz. I'm still perplexed why his wares are held in such high regard. Anyway, the Goluch family moved from Skotschau (Schlesien) to Linz at some point in the latter part of the 19th century and a son, Karl Franz Goluch and his wife Maria hung out a weapons making shingle in 1896 at Herrenstraße 27. Between the Wars, the concern moved to Herrnstraße 40 but when they began to outgrow it, a portion of it was destroyed during WWII. It would seem that Karl Franz's son Carl Ferdinand Goluch was at the helm. After WWII, a new facility was constructed at Herrenstraße 50 and shortly thereafter there was another changing of the guard with sons Karl & Fritz Goluch being handed the reins. In 1963 an apprentice named Rudolf Schmid was taken under the wing of the company and he completed his studies there. Then in 1972 Rudolf Schmid married Helen Mary Goluch and they founded another business in 1974. Seems there was some consolidation straightaway and Rudolf Schmid carried the ball forward. A bit difficult to tell

"Er heiratete 1972 die Schwester der Firmenbesitzer Karl und
Fritz, Helene Maria Goluch und gründete mit ihr 1974 ein eigenes Geschäft in Linz. Kurze Zeit später folgte eine Filiale in Schärding."

Kind Regards,

Posted By: ellenbr Re: Carl Goluch Hammergun - Additional Info - 07/28/13 08:53 PM
He even has a website with contact info:

Kind Regards,

Posted By: Gunwolf Re: Carl Goluch Hammergun - Additional Info - 07/28/13 09:02 PM
...and he is on facebook of course.... ;-)

Best regards,
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