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Posted By: James M More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/07/14 01:50 PM
He has made journalists dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries:

You gotta know the secret handshake to get into the meeting to receive the talking points for your propaganda show

1,000-Member Secretive Progressive Journalist Group Uncovered
Breitbart News

A prominent CNN commentator, the top two political reporters for The Huffington Post, a Reuters reporter, the editor of The Nation magazine, a producer for Al Jazeera America television, a U.S. News & World Report columnist, and approximately two dozen Huffington Post contributors are among the more than 1,000 members of Gamechanger Salon.

Founded by leftwing activist Billy Wimsatt, the group is a secretive digital gathering of writers, activists and political hands who share information, ideas and strategy.
The group’s existence was discovered by Media Trackers through an open records request filed with a University of Wisconsin professor who happened to be a member.

(If you’ve forgotten the handshake, just watch MSDNC, listen to what they say and repeat it.)
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/07/14 02:01 PM
sounds pretty much like the conservative Journalists who sit on the board of Trustees at the Heritage Foundation to me....
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/07/14 02:48 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
sounds pretty much like the conservative Journalists who sit on the board of Trustees at the Heritage Foundation to me....

Chances are that foundation's trustees are disclosed. I'd be curious to know how they're deceiving anyone, and what roll they have in creating mainstream news.

The last link you shared on a different topic was from cnn, and was critical of Israel. Mentioned before, I believe an easy to look up oops quote by don lemon clearly sums up cnn's 'news' reporting and policy. 'as a journalist you weigh how much you should criticize the president, because he's black'.
Posted By: King Brown Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/07/14 02:57 PM
. . . and very small potatoes to owning a popular TV network, with Rush the principal GOP spokesman.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/07/14 03:35 PM
the last link was from the BBC, I never read CNN. A list of Trustees for the Heritage Foundation is indeed published and they list two members as Journalists. I would imagine the may contribute to the mainstream media, or the only people who read them are on the fringe....I'm not sure which one is correct.
Posted By: James M Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/07/14 04:17 PM
My Opinion:
There is a massive conspiracy of silence from and within the so-called "mainstream news media" regarding the ineptness and dereliction of duty on the part of Obama. It's due partly to his being "black" but primarily because he's a closet Communist and Muslim sympathiser. All one needs to do is look at who is in control of these media forms.
The lefties on here can make all the excuses for the Kenyan** they want and it's my hope they continue in denial right up thru November of this year.
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/07/14 04:52 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
the last link was from the BBC, I never read CNN....

Got it Steven, it would have just taken me a quick minute to check.

I was just making an equivocation point. It just seems tougher to misinterpret the actual words of a mainstream cable media 'news' insider. Probably to their dismay, there're viewership numbers for all to see, but it could be argued that cair, rainbow push and la raza have much more media clout than the Heritage Foundation. I can not recall any fact based criticism of the Heritage folks, just ideological demonizing.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 01:05 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
sounds pretty much like the conservative Journalists who sit on the board of Trustees at the Heritage Foundation to me....

Originally Posted By: SKB
A list of Trustees for the Heritage Foundation is indeed published and they list two members as Journalists. I would imagine the may contribute to the mainstream media, or the only people who read them are on the fringe....I'm not sure which one is correct.

Hmmmm, over 1000 Liberal Left Journalists covering up and not reporting on little things like Operation Fast and Furious, Benghazi, The IRS targeting of Conservative groups, massive foreign policy blunders, dissolution of Southern Border security, massive deficit spending and wealth redistribution and expansion of the Welfare State, and Obama's homosexuality versus TWO... count 'em... TWO, as in one-two with three fingers left over... TWO whole Conservative Journalists who are known members of the evil Heritage Foundation. And exactly what Conservative cover-ups did this large influential Gang of Two participate in that materially damaged our nation?

I'm just amazed and astounded at the so-called gun guys who still so obviously support the vehemently anti-gun Socialist Obama.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 01:12 PM
I'm no Obama supporter, but no way I'm drinking the kool aid of the far Right, or the far Left. I'm a moderate Independent and I call like I see them. Problems with both parties, extremist on both sides. I have hard time believing conspiracy theories from either side. Ever try to keep a secret among a small handful of people? Pretty much impossible. Now imagine it with over 1000 people involved. Seems as believable as a 911 truther to me, which means, not very.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 01:13 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
. . . and very small potatoes to owning a popular TV network, with Rush the principal GOP spokesman.

Speaking of so-called gun-guys who espouse anti-gun rhetoric and support the vehemently anti-gun Obama (and every other anti-Second Amendment Liberal Democrat rat), here we have the Great King Brown whining about the influence of Rush Limbaugh.

Gee King, Rush is just small potatoes compared to you. After all, he's been nowhere, seen nothing, and he never won the equivalent of the Nobel Prize!
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 01:20 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
I'm no Obama supporter, but no way I'm drinking the kool aid of the far Right, or the far Left. I'm a moderate Independent and I call like I see them.

Give us a break! Every comment you ever make pertaining to politics leans Liberal Democrat Left. Every political criticism you ever display is directed at Republicans and Conservatives. Actions speak louder than words, and no one here with half a brain thinks you are a moderate Independant who does not support Obama.

I too call them as I see them. I predict that most here, except for the brain-dead Jagermeister, and the Liberal Socialist King Brown... will agree with my observation.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 01:22 PM

Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: SKB
sounds pretty much like the conservative Journalists who sit on the board of Trustees at the Heritage Foundation to me....

Originally Posted By: SKB
A list of Trustees for the Heritage Foundation is indeed published and they list two members as Journalists. I would imagine the may contribute to the mainstream media, or the only people who read them are on the fringe....I'm not sure which one is correct.

Hmmmm, over 1000 Liberal Left Journalists covering up and not reporting on little things like Operation Fast and Furious, Benghazi, The IRS targeting of Conservative groups, massive foreign policy blunders, dissolution of Southern Border security, massive deficit spending and wealth redistribution and expansion of the Welfare State, and Obama's homosexuality versus TWO... count 'em... TWO, as in one-two with three fingers left over... TWO whole Conservative Journalists who are known members of the evil Heritage Foundation. And exactly what Conservative cover-ups did this large influential Gang of Two participate in that materially damaged our nation?

I'm just amazed and astounded at the so-called gun guys who still so obviously support the vehemently anti-gun Socialist Obama.

Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 01:25 PM

Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: SKB
I'm no Obama supporter, but no way I'm drinking the kool aid of the far Right, or the far Left. I'm a moderate Independent and I call like I see them.

Give us a break! Every comment you ever make pertaining to politics leans Liberal Democrat Left. Every political criticism you ever display is directed at Republicans and Conservatives. Actions speak louder than words, and no one here with half a brain thinks you are a moderate Independant who does not support Obama.

I too call them as I see them. I predict that most here, except for the brain-dead Jagermeister, and the Liberal Socialist King Brown... will agree with my observation.

Amen.....raised in New York.....Bush hater, liberal thinking transplanted you said, just read his posts.........LOL

Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:02 PM
But I'll be voting straight GOP this fall, how does that fit your small world views? Bush hater, yup, the guy was a mess. Might be the second worst president we ever had following the mess we currently have. Moved from NY long, long ago for a place with more libertarian views, that must make me a liberal. Don't forget Jim while your at it, he must be deep, deep undercover coming from the North East like myself. From your posts I would bet neither Doug or Kieth are world travelers. International travel tends to open ones mind. You two need to get out a bit more. The reason my posts often lean to the left is that this board is overwhelmingly loaded with viewpoints from the right. I'm not inclined to follow that thinking hook line and sinker so I often post opposing viewpoints to show things are rarely black and white. Someone who does not fit in your very narrow definitions seems to really upset you two. Must be tough try fitting everything in those little tiny boxes. Best of luck with that you two deep thinkers.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:17 PM
Oh just cut the crap already. Your posts don't "often" lean to the Left. They always lean to the left. You never post opposing viewpoints to counter the Liberal Leftists here... it's always a Conservative view that raises your hackles, 100%! And to say it's just a numbers game that you are trying to even up because most here are Conservatives is disingenuous, to put it mildly. It doesn't take a world traveler to see through that brand of bullshit either.

Not that it will matter to you next election, but I hope your extensive world travels have shown you that Hillary is also a foreign policy failure, a liar, and just as anti-Second Amendment as Obama and her husband.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:24 PM
and just for the sake of balance lets not leave W out.....

call it what you will but the incredibly slanted viewpoint you subscribe to is a long way from "fair and balanced". I like to look at both sides of an issue. Uncomfortable at times but it does paint a fuller picture.

Apparently I was correct, you do not get out much. Thanks for confirming my intuition.
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:25 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
From your posts I would bet neither Doug or Kieth are world travelers. International travel tends to open ones mind. You two need to get out a bit more.

I can't speak for keith but I'll tell you one thing for sure, PA24 Doug has seen a hell of a lot more of this planet than your panty ass has.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:29 PM
Panty ass? Wow the school ground insults have arrived. Another deep thinker joins our ranks....Thanks for your well thought out input Joel.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:30 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
Apparently I was correct, you do not get out much. Thanks for confirming my intuition.

I have confirmed nothing of the sort. I haven't said anything at all about the extent of my travels, neither to you or King Brown who frequently maintains that I (and Others) have been nowhere and seen nothing. I merely said that you don't need to travel to see through bullshit. Your travels have done absolutely nothing for your reading comprehension.
Posted By: James M Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:31 PM
Just let him go on. Like every other Libtard here, and enemy of our Constitutional Rights, his words have and will continue to sink him.
Every time the idiot occupying the White House opens his mouth anymore he sinks the Libtards ever further. smirk
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:50 PM


First of all, you are not old enough to know very much, this we understand. You could not have voted in more than two or three presidential elections...?...

None of your posts ever reflect "fair and balanced anything"...maybe you interpret words and sentence structure differently than the majority...?...Your posts are very one sided and show liberal tunnel vision.

I am glad you are a world traveler and are so knowledgeable about world politics, citizens of the planet and all the struggles associated with the human population. I for one do not think you are too bright and understand far less than you think you do.

I have traveled a little bit, but since you don't ever do your homework, you would not know that. As a retired Airline Captain with a Major Carrier I traveled to almost every corner of our fine planet for over 30 years, retaining many friends in many countries to this day. Serving as a Pilot in the U.S. Navy I served two tours in Viet Nam and flew a few combat sorties. None of this qualifies me for anything, other than understanding our home, The United States of America and what she stands for. Did you ever serve your country in the military, just curious even though I know the answer...?

You still probably know more than Keith, me, J.R.B., ISS, Stan or any of our fine MAJORITY gun loving second amendment types on this board, because that is "what YOU think"......

Most of us understand the other side, you and other liberals. What we don't understand is how you can and did support/vote for a President who is anti-gun, anti second amendment and has absolutely no experience whatsoever at anything.....?...You will deny your support, your vote, but being the obvious Bush hater you are, by the text in your posts and your attitude, your political choice is obvious to anyone that can read.

I for one, do not like people who voted to destroy our fine nation, whether for self worth, anti-Bush or any other reason. It reflects stupidity, period.

Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 02:55 PM
Oh I forgot Doug, in this country we are only entitled to vote the way you approve of, my bad.

I'm flattered really, maybe even blushing. I have voted in 5 Presidential elections and just barely missed a sixth. I must be aging well. Thank you for the kind compliments.......

I'll take the anti-Bush label and wear it with pride. He did an incredible amount to harm this fine nation of ours. Sorry that does not fit in with your Party line, but it is the truth.

Oh and you have hardly dazzled me with your intelligence Doug. Your deep thought into all things political is evident. Conservative = good, Liberal = bad, no matter the real issue at hand. I like to look a bit beyond that.

Must be tough for you, still trying to fit me into a little tiny box. You need to open that closed mind of yours just a little, it might scare you, but it will be good for you in the long run.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 03:51 PM
Agreed that Bush did a lot of harm to this country, mostly by trying to appease the Left that would hate him under any circumstance. And oh how they stabbed him in the back after his decision to go into Iraq... not to get any 9-11 planners... but to stop Saddam from blatantly violating U.N. sanctions. He had the support of 86% of the public and leading Democrats like Bill Clinton and John Kerry. But they turned on him just as they turned on his father, George H.W. Bush, when he went along with their request to increase taxes in spite of his "Read my lips..." pledge. That's where the spirit of bipartisanship gets you with a Liberal Democrat.

Originally Posted By: SKB
Must be tough for you, still trying to fit me into a little tiny box. You need to open that closed mind of yours just a little, it might scare you, but it will be good for you in the long run.

Steve, your tiny little box fits very well indeed. In spite of your little pro-NRA blurb a short while ago, you do indeed support and tow the Liberal line 100% of the time. You can say what you want, but it sure as hell ain't either Libertarian or Independant. We're not blind! You only pop in to counter Conservative thoughts. It's beyond obvious. Deep political thought on your part is hardly evident. Only Liberal Democrat partisanship. You can be in denial all you want, but any idiot can see through the dishonesty of what you are attempting to conceal about yourself and your purpose.

When we Conservatives espouse our views, we do a pretty good job of delineating our reasoning. We see what was very good for this country in the LONG RUN, like about 200 years, and what has happened in the last 50 years of Great Society Liberal Democrat failures. The many losses don't come close to offsetting the few gains. Our Canadian friend canvasback said it very well last week:

Originally Posted By: canvasback
There is a vast difference in the America of JFK, the Space Race and the Peace Corp, the outward looking, magnanimous nation of those times and the venal and self interested nation of today. Greatness does not exist in the Obama administration nor does it exist in the 45% of Americans dependant on the government to eat, house and clothe themselves. It last existed in America, as a nation, during the presidential terms of RR.

What's happening in this nation now is not good for anyone except race hustlers, Democrat politicians, and those who seek to destroy us. You really think your mind is so open and enlightened????... look around. Unless you're gay, an illegal alien, or on Welfare of some kind, there is little to celebrate. Was it so essential to have a black man in the White House that the only choice was a totally inexperienced inept drug abusing narcissistic Socialist liar who is 100% anti-gun 100% of the time? You seriously think Bush runs a close second to that? Are you telling us that Gore or Kerry would have been a better choice? No need to answer that... we already know more about you than you'll ever know about the extent of my travels.
Posted By: James M Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 04:20 PM
"What's happening in this nation now is not good for anyone except race hustlers, Democrat politicians, and those who seek to destroy us. You really think your mind is so open and enlightened????... look around. Unless you're gay, an illegal alien, or on Welfare of some kind, there is little to celebrate. Was it so essential to have a black man in the White House that the only choice was a totally inexperienced inept drug abusing narcissistic Socialist liar who is 100% anti-gun 100% of the time? You seriously think Bush runs a close second to that"

You left out ineligible to occupy the office Keith: Note the "mistake" one of his flunkies made in public the other day about his true birthplace.
BTW: I believe O'Reilly's assertion that he is trying to get impeached while correct is misdirected. He should be charged with illegally occupying the White House and immediately jailed.
You don't have to impeach someone who was not legally elected.

And; While what's happening in the Country today is dispicable it's been a much needed eye opener to many.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 04:24 PM
ah yes the typical liberal, NRA member, anti-Obamacare, pro balanced budget and individual freedoms, anti-welfare, anti-tax, GOP voting.....let me go on. Yep this country needs open minded folks like you Kieth. I can see you are really on to a new strategy to put the White House and Congress firmly in GOP hands.

If you actually go back read some of what have posted about my views on O-care, the unemployment numbers, Obama in general etc
it hardly points to a liberal viewpoint. Being such a conservative I would think things like the cost of the Iraq war both in terms of dollars spent and American lives lost would be bothersome to you. How about unfunded medicare part-D? Bothersome? I think so, and yes I think the way Bush handled foreign policy and Iraq specifically puts him right behind Obama in the running for the worst in recent history if not ever.

Since you guys love pictures that do not tell the whole story, how about this one?
Posted By: James M Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 04:32 PM
I don't like a lot of things Bush did either said so and reluctantly voted for him at the time. I was part of the small conservative minority that was against us going back into Iraq to depose Hussein. I believe my statement(question actually) at that time has proven eeriely accurate:
"We can win the war in Iraq but how are we going to win the peace?"
I know this is heresy to many but with a "Hussein" in place the 3 major parties Sunnis Sheias and Kurds, all of whom hate each other, were kept in check. If one group got out of line several of their members "disappeared" and Hussein apparently did not show favorites.
I also did not believe and still don't believe today that Hussein ever posed any direct threat to the United States.

And the members of this forum should Never forget:

Bush publicly stated that he would have signed a bill to extend the expired "Assault Weapons" ban had Congress passed it. He and his father were No friends to gun owners.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 05:04 PM
I agree with everything you wrote Jim, further reinforcing my North East Liberal credentials wink
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 06:14 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
....I'll take the anti-Bush label and wear it with pride. He did an incredible amount to harm this fine nation of ours. Sorry that does not fit in with your Party line, but it is the truth....

I'd suspect anyone who gives any issue a bit of thought would hold their nose and proactively participate in the election process for what they thought was their best representation.

Head to head this fall, fantasy election, does Bush or bo get your vote.

Incredible harm? Just on regs alone, what has bo done not to this fine nation in general, but to the cost and ability for you to make a living at your chosen craft.

I've wondered before, can 'do nothing R's' be blamed, or do you have a justification for income tax increases, hazmat hoops to jump through, shipping, energy cost increases. Can you get the same chemicals you need at reasonable costs. Are some no longer available.

I'd hope there might be more than we're greener, cleaner, healthier and happier. Are things really better, or is this a time in America that stirs the need to 'argue' because justifying just doesn't translate to everyday life.
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 06:45 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
Panty ass? Wow the school ground insults have arrived. Another deep thinker joins our ranks....Thanks for your well thought out input Joel.

Call it what ever you like but I would suggest you look at his board profile here before opening your mouth. I don't particularily appreciate someone pissing on a friend. mad
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 07:42 PM
I had in my earlier post neglected to acknowledged being wrong in regards to Doug and his travels. He has obviously been a few places and more places than myself though I am quite well traveled. It must have taken him a lot of work to keep such a closed mind after being exposed to such a variety of culture.

Craig, for me in this falls fantasy election I'd vote Bush. I can still get all the products I need despite the executive orders in place. I certainly believe the Ivory ban, restrictions on Elephant hunting, the slow down in import approval on firearms(despite my aversion to conspiracy theories) are a result of our current administration. I fully agree with you regarding the short comings of our current administration. I also was incredibly disappointed in last administration. The increased budget deficit is under Obama is constantly quoted by the right as huge issue. I could not agree more. Here is chart nicely showing the increase. Be careful though, a full reading of our public debt will also show debt growth under GWB. Also of note is the giant increase in debt during Reagan/Bush Sr. It is pretty scary when you at how BOTH the last two administrations spent money like drunk sailors. Because I see the flaws in both parties am I some kind of far lefty? I don't think so, but I'm hardly willing to say one side is Lilly white in this mess. Who are you leaning toward speculatively in 2016? Myself, from what I know of Rand Paul, I'm leaning towards him. I like the fact he is fiscally conservative and that he is not especially eager to get us involved in another conflict in some armpit of the world. I know.....more crazy liberal crap eh?
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 10:38 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
....I can still get all the products I need despite the executive orders in place. I certainly believe the Ivory ban, restrictions on Elephant hunting, the slow down in import approval on firearms(despite my aversion to conspiracy theories) are a result of our current administration. I fully agree with you regarding the short comings of our current administration....

....The increased budget deficit is under Obama is constantly quoted by the right as huge issue. I could not agree more. Here is chart nicely showing the increase. Be careful though, a full reading of our public debt will also show debt growth under GWB....

....Because I see the flaws in both parties am I some kind of far lefty? I don't think so....

....Rand Paul, I'm leaning towards him. I like the fact he is fiscally conservative and that he is not especially eager to get us involved in another conflict in some armpit of the world. I know.....more crazy liberal crap eh?....

From the perspective that 'Bush had done incredible harm to the country', can you blame the others for the far lefty comments. While you agree with some of the current 'short comings', I think we live in different countries. All the current folks have done is slow down import paperwork and ban ivory, really.

We can all get what we 'need'. Around these parts, surviving can mean serving the wants of customers. Productivity can mean being able to have wants, not just basic needs.

I know both parties spend. One of my pet peeves is equivocating. Spin as can, but Republicans can not be shown to have the stomach to print, borrow, tax and spend like a lib dem can. Take a look at your debt link, did that scum bag GDubya stick nearly a trillion on his books after consulting with the incoming admin about what bo needed to hit the ground running. Can't recall a thank you, but bo still manages to blame him for odds and ends.

I don't think you're a far lefty for seeing flaws in both parties. I go back to my equivocating point. You brush off hard left dem agenda, then criticize the right in detail. In other words clearly no balance, which is just fine, but not how presented.

Primaries are one thing, but I'll vote R in the general particularly after seeing the dem front runner and experiencing the platform. Rand Paul's a good ideological choice, but do you think he'll appeal to a nation. If Paul were to be elected and held strictly to no foreign force involvement, what's your answer to keep America humming along. Will the russians and chinese dictate our energy and trade policy. Will middle easterns dictate our southern immigration policy. Is all your tooling, supplies, raw materials, etc. 100% American from out of the ground through manufacturing.

Similar thought, were our energy sources, trade, sea lanes, airways, safety, etc. more predictable under Bush' armpit of a military investment or bo's masterful diplomacy. Why's bo sending bombers back to iraq, what would Paul do. iraq's one of those armpits, isn't it.
Posted By: RyanF Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/08/14 11:31 PM
Back to the top-secret progressive journalist group…

Networking is powerful when original thoughts and viewpoints are exchanged. That doesn’t seem to be the case here. This sounds more like a 1000 person progressive circle jerk.
Progressives haven’t had any new ideas in 100 years. This isn’t a group of sneaky radicals. They’re boring people regurgitating the same old boring shit. A bunch of blowhards desperately pretending to be relevant when, in reality, they are played out.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/09/14 01:11 PM
Geez Steve, something wierd must be happening to all of those staunchly Conservative posts you're telling us about. Maybe those spam bots that have been plaguing this site have been eating all of your pro-Conservative posts and just allowing the ones that have a Liberal bias to come through.

And gee whiz, haven't you gone from telling us that George Bush was the second worst President ever, after this current mess (see your post#374374 from 9:02 AM yesterday) to becoming the absolute worst right behind Obama (see your post #374722 from 11:24 AM yesterday)? Damn, you stood on somewhat Conservative ground for a whole 2 hours and 22 minutes. That must have been really tough. Your anti-Obama veneer is looking pretty thin there. And while you have plenty to say about the deficit spending ran up by Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., you somehow neglected the fact that your Hope and Change boy ran up more red ink in less than two terms than all of them combined. But don't worry. We all believe that you hold a lot of Conservative views. Yep, we're all pretty gullible at the end of the day!

I also liked your link to the famous photo of Bush under the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Liberals really love that one... even closet Liberals like yourself. Too bad you couldn't be fair and balanced enough to reference the numerous times that Obama has proclaimed success in Iraq... even as he is currently allowing all that blood and treasure to go down the toilet. I agree that the massive expenditure there was bad. Allowing it to become a complete and total waste is even more tragic. More to follow in Afghanistan, but at least those soldiers who did multiple tours of duty will be able to impress you with their extensive travel resume. Let's hope they don't end up with a "closed mind" like Doug, and go through life thinking their Commander in Chief was an incompetant Socialist anti-gun tax and spend redistributionist. It's funny how Doug's extensive travels and life experiences don't allow him to be open minded enough to wish to see us become another bankrupt Greece or Italy. Let's hope the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans' travel experiences allow them to conveniently be on both sides of any issue like you, and go whichever way the wind is blowing.

Here's how craigd sees it...

Originally Posted By: craigd
I don't think you're a far lefty for seeing flaws in both parties. I go back to my equivocating point. You brush off hard left dem agenda, then criticize the right in detail. In other words clearly no balance, which is just fine, but not how presented.

I think that was a very polite way of saying that you've been rather disingenuous about your consistant Left leaning bias. I didn't say you were extreme far Left either. But you're at least as far left of moderate centrist as I am to the right. Big difference is that I'm being honest about it. So is Doug, Jim, J.R.B., craigd. To them, I raise a glass of far right closed-minded Kool-Aid! Na Zdorovie gentlemen.

Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/09/14 01:43 PM

Originally Posted By: keith
Geez Steve, something weird must be happening to all of those staunchly Conservative posts you're telling us about. Maybe those spam bots that have been plaguing this site have been eating all of your pro-Conservative posts and just allowing the ones that have a Liberal bias to come through.

And gee whiz, haven't you gone from telling us that George Bush was the second worst President ever, after this current mess (see your post#374374 from 9:02 AM yesterday) to becoming the absolute worst right behind Obama (see your post #374722 from 11:24 AM yesterday)? Damn, you stood on somewhat Conservative ground for a whole 2 hours and 22 minutes. That must have been really tough. Your anti-Obama veneer is looking pretty thin there. And while you have plenty to say about the deficit spending ran up by Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., you somehow neglected the fact that your Hope and Change boy ran up more red ink in less than two terms than all of them combined. But don't worry. We all believe that you hold a lot of Conservative views. Yep, we're all pretty gullible at the end of the day!

I also liked your link to the famous photo of Bush under the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Liberals really love that one... even closet Liberals like yourself. Too bad you couldn't be fair and balanced enough to reference the numerous times that Obama has proclaimed success in Iraq... even as he is currently allowing all that blood and treasure to go down the toilet. I agree that the massive expenditure there was bad. Allowing it to become a complete and total waste is even more tragic.

Hi Keith,

Libs don't like to be confronted with facts or real world application of these facts. Most libs have selective reading/hearing/speaking and thinking....this is what has created the liberal brain. Nor do they ever do their homework for a complete understanding of any topic before running off at the something, what does that mean....?...Golf anyone....?....

After the billions we spent in Iraq and with the COMPLETE disapproval of military intelligence, military leaders of the Western Allies, the CIA, World Opinion, Common Sense, other friendlies in the Middle East, Our NITWIT-IN-CHARGE removed our forces from Iraq to increase his brownie points with the libtard left in this country, HOME BEFORE CHRISTMAS, what a joke........ We now see the results of his inexperienced stupid decisions in the ENTIRE REGION---AND THE CHICKENS WILL COME HOME TO ROOST AS THEY ARE NOW.........

The libtards are happy because they think the U.S. is saving money by exiting the conflict in Iraq....even though the Nitwit-In-Charge has redistributed that money to the ghetto's and social gimme programs, immigration, more prisons, more law enforcement and more government in this country, all to control the people who don't, never will and DO NOT WANT TO it is a complete wash....

Yuppie 101 + Berkeley 101 + Harvard 101 + Inexperience 101 = DISASTER.

Without even counting the Iraq conflict, look at the debt our Nitwit-In-Charge has incurred WITHOUT ACCOMPLISHING ANYTHING, ABSOLUTELY ZERO, NADA, ZIP.........only a complete retard would vote for someone like this fool, first or second election or both.......

Like you said, Steve is now posting "I Like Rand Paul" in an attempt to put out the fire.....ROFLMAO......As you once said "all the libtards" end up doing the dance of the Gnomoron....LOL

Great post Keith, too much factual truth for libtards to consume I'm afraid.....

Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/09/14 11:24 PM
Did you couple of rocket scientist miss this part of my post"
"Since you guys love pictures that do not tell the whole story"

right there in black in white spelled out for you two morons I stated the picture did NOT tell the whole story. It was really a reference to Doug posted his slanted gas price picture, again, not the whole story.

Kieth your just so far to the right it is no longer of any use even reading your posts. I've been a member since the late 90's here. You are NOT going to drive me away with your BS lefty label. I will for the very first time place a board member on ignore though. Maybe you should give NCA225 a call, you obviously just want to argue. I had a girlfriend like that once and got rid of her too. Buh Bye moron.

Ah Doug, I'm pretty sure your picture is posted next to pompous a** in the dictionary. The absolute gall of someone to think they have the right to judge how another citizen votes. And you call yourself an American? Certainly not one who with any sense values. In this country, if your are of legal age and a citizen you get one vote and the chips fall where they may just like the rest of us you self righteous A**.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 04:18 AM

Originally Posted By: SKB
It was really a reference to Doug posted his slanted gas price picture, again, not the whole story.

Ah Doug, I'm pretty sure your picture is posted next to pompous a** in the dictionary. The absolute gall of someone to think they have the right to judge how another citizen votes. And you call yourself an American? Certainly not one who with any sense values. In this country, if your are of legal age and a citizen you get one vote and the chips fall where they may just like the rest of us you self righteous A**.

So sorry that you get upset Steve, but I do understand life must be tough for you with your own knowledge that you are stupid. You should have read the entire gas price thread, there were some very knowledgeable posts explaining all facets of fuel costs, trends and graphs, you might have learned something....then again probably not..... With your poor spelling and grammar it makes sense why you frequent the dictionary often, we all know what your picture is under.

Stay safe sparky and don't get your pony tail caught in a band saw or lathe you stupid libtard loser.

Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 06:25 AM
Wow Doug, it sure looks like we struck a sensitive Liberal nerve with Lefty Steve. He's so flustered he can't even write, spell, or compose intelligible sentences. It almost appears that the Libtard who is referring to us a morons is consulting nca225 to help him write. You'd think he would have spent some of his vast world travel time getting an education. Another failure of "No Child Left Behind"!

I don't really think we had to give Stevie his Lefty label. He's done a very good job of that himself with his own words. I guess it was unfair of me to use what he actually said to prove my point. I've noticed how much our Libtards wish to run away from their own words, and how much it pisses them off to be reminded of what they actually said. But I wonder if anyone besides Lefty Libtard Steve could have seen the alleged connection between his link to the famous picture of Bush under the "Mission Accomplished" banner, and your picture of a gasoline price sign from the day Obama took office... especially after Lefty Steve spent so much time denigrating Bush, and even assigned him to lower Presidential status than either Obama or Carter.

Jim, craigd, ... anyone... did you see that, or are we expected to be able to read the minds of pea-brained idiots? Also, I guess we're all just supposed to forget his other inequities and and Liberally biased words that I pointed out. The "Dance of the Gnomoron" continues!

And gee Doug, how typically hypocritical of Lefty Stevie to admonish you for judging the idiots who voted for our current Socialist-in-Chief, mostly for their own selfish self interests rather than the good of the nation, yet be so judgemental of others himself. Being a Leftist has its' privileges.

Stevie, I know you'll un-ignore me long enough to take a peek at this. You Liberal Left liars always do. Or maybe someone will be kind enough to "Quote" this post so that my words will appear in their post. I'm happy that I was able to do a good enough job of illuminating your Leftist leanings that you had to tuck your tail between your legs and try to hide from me like a coward. I never wanted to argue with you at all. I just wanted you to finally man-up and take ownership of the Liberal bias that comes though virtually all of your Misfires posts, except for those most recent ones that were made in an attempt to cover up who and what you are.

Man-up?... you Stevie?... what was I thinking??? What a complete phony.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 07:36 AM
What I did in learn from reading the gas thread was you are full crap Doug. You did not upset me, your damn dumb to that.

Oh and I cut my pony tail off years ago, but then you always are a bit behind the times.

Oh and Doug, I'll stick around and keep pointing out your stupid bias. Like the graph you posted above, starting in 2008. Let's go back a bit further eh? Kid of uncomfortable Doug seeing the numbers for all the recent past? The numbers don't exactly back up your BS now do they?

aftermath of World War II.
Congress Session Years President Party Start debt/GDP End debt/GDP Increase debt
(in Billions of $) Increase debt/GDP
(in percentage points)
77–78 1941–1945 Roosevelt Democrat 50.4% 117.5% +203 +67.1%
79–80 1945–1949 Roosevelt, Truman Democrat 117.5% 93.1% -8 -24.4%
81–82 1949–1953 Truman Democrat 93.1% 71.4% +13 -21.7%
83–84 1953–1957 Eisenhower Republican 71.4% 60.4% +6 -11.0%
85–86 1957–1961 Eisenhower Republican 60.4% 55.2% +20 -5.2%
87–88 1961–1965 Kennedy, Johnson Democrat 55.2% 46.9% +30 -8.3%
89–90 1965–1969 Johnson Democrat 46.9% 38.6% +43 -8.3%
91–92 1969–1973 Nixon Republican 38.6% 35.6% +101 -3.0%
93–94 1973–1977 Nixon, Ford Republican 35.6% 35.8% +177 +0.2%
95–96 1977–1981 Carter Democrat 35.8% 32.5% +288 -3.3%
97–98 1981–1985 Reagan Republican 32.5% 43.8% +823 +11.3%
99–100 1985–1989 Reagan Republican 43.8% 53.1% +1,050 +9.3%
101–102 1989–1993 Bush Sr. Republican 53.1% 66.1% +1,483 +13.0%
103–104 1993–1997 Clinton Democrat 66.1% 65.4% +1,018 -0.7%
105–106 1997–2001 Clinton Democrat 65.4% 56.4% +401 -9.0%
107–108 2001–2005 Bush Republican 56.4% 63.5% +2,135 +7.1%
109–110 2005–2009 Bush Republican 63.5% 84.2% +3,971 +20.7%
111–112 2009–2013 Obama Democrat 84.2% 102.7% +6,061 +18.5%
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 08:27 AM
Originally Posted By: SKB
What I did in learn from reading the gas thread was you are full crap Doug. You did not upset me, your damn dumb to that.

"... you are full crap Doug. You did not upset me, your damn dumb to that."

WTF kind of retarded writing is that... and what does it mean?

Is this how you write when you are trying to impress someone with your (lack of) intelligence??? Is this guy trying to make nca225 and Jagermeister look bright? nca225 flunked out of college Stevie. Did you even graduate from high school... and if so... how????

It appears that Lefty Stevie's numbers have come from the Left Wing biased Wikipedia. At least it's a bit more intelligible here, and you can see that Stevie's vast travels have not helped him even a little bit:

You can find Lefty Stevie's jumbled numbers in a neat chart if you scroll a little more than half-way down the page in the link.It also shows that Lefty Stevie both continues to demonstrate his Liberal Leftist colors, and that he has scant understanding of the chart he attempted to copy.

Does this idiot even understand that he has helped to make Doug's point? Go to the link and look at the Federal debt and debt as a percentage of GDP at the end of WWII, and then look at how those numbers declined after the massive wartime expenditures stopped.

Contrast that with the debt vs. GDP accrued under Obama in only 5 1/2 years. Although the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have wound down almost completely, the percentage of debt to GDP has exceeded 100% for the first time since WWII. As Doug has noted, any and all cost savings associated with ending two expensive wars have merely been diverted to Social Welfare programs... and even more debt has been piled on top of all that. No Conservative is happy with the massive amount of debt that was run up by Bush Jr., even though some of it was from expenditures to rebuild a military that was gutted by Clinton. Someone always has to pay for any party.

Debt vs. GDP numbers always increase when taxes are reduced as Republicans tend to do. Obama increased taxes by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire, and increased a myriad of fees, yet he still increased debt as a percentage of GDP, massively, even as taxes, and tax receipts have gone up and wartime expenditures have fallen. Obama has managed to run up more debt in 5 1/2 years than the spendthrift Bush did in 8 years. Obama called Bush "Unpatriotic" for his additions to the National Debt. Yet he's just fine with the huge burdens he is adding to our children... and damages which may be unrepairable.

This dumbass Lefty Stevie really showed you Doug... he showed you, and all of us, just how stupid and how Liberal Left biased he really is.

I hope someone will quote my post so that the Leftist coward can't ignore it like a sissy. Thanks in advance.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 10:56 AM

Originally Posted By: keith
At least it's a bit more intelligible here, and you can see that Stevie's vast travels have not helped him even a little bit:

You can find Lefty Stevie's jumbled numbers in a neat chart if you scroll a little more than half-way down the page in the link.It also shows that Lefty Stevie both continues to demonstrate his Liberal Leftist colors, and that he has scant understanding of the chart he attempted to copy.

Does this idiot even understand that he has helped to make Doug's point? Go to the link and look at the Federal debt and debt as a percentage of GDP at the end of WWII, and then look at how those numbers declined after the massive wartime expenditures stopped.

Contrast that with the debt vs. GDP accrued under Obama in only 5 1/2 years. Although the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have wound down almost completely, the percentage of debt to GDP has exceeded 100% for the first time since WWII. As Doug has noted, any and all cost savings associated with ending two expensive wars have merely been diverted to Social Welfare programs... and even more debt has been piled on top of all that. No Conservative is happy with the massive amount of debt that was run up by Bush Jr., even though some of it was from expenditures to rebuild a military that was gutted by Clinton. Someone always has to pay for any party.

Debt vs. GDP numbers always increase when taxes are reduced as Republicans tend to do. Obama increased taxes by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire, and increased a myriad of fees, yet he still increased debt as a percentage of GDP, massively, even as taxes, and tax receipts have gone up and wartime expenditures have fallen. Obama has managed to run up more debt in 5 1/2 years than the spendthrift Bush did in 8 years. Obama called Bush "Unpatriotic" for his additions to the National Debt. Yet he's just fine with the huge burdens he is adding to our children... and damages which may be unrepairable.

This dumbass Lefty Stevie really showed you Doug... he showed you, and all of us, just how stupid and how Liberal Left biased he really is.
I hope someone will quote my post so that the Leftist coward can't ignore it like a sissy. Thanks in advance.

Keith, Steve does duplicate some of nca's writing trends, could be a cosmic thing, or the same kind of pot.....?.....LOL

The only time Steve opens his mouth is to change feet. Obviously he did not graduate from high school or any other institution of lower learning, probably too busy traveling.......LOL..... He just cannot connect the dots no matter how hard he tries, a requirement for an Obama voter. Also, lie about who you voted for then defend your vote on a public forum....stupid or what....?.... Like I said, it must be sad for him knowing he is so stupid and trying to cope day to day.....

He's hopeless Keith and he does read your posts, just more gutless libtard fog, as usual ......... Steve is a lost cause of glowing public ignorance.

Posted By: J.R.B. Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 12:49 PM
Doug, keith, SKB is so bright he can't even spell his name twice the same way in his ads. What is it Steve? Betram or Bertram? I don't know if I could trust a guy like that to re-line the barrel on my kid nephew's Super Soaker 50 squirt gun. wink
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 12:56 PM
Ahh Doug you do love your very shallow stereotypes don't you? No Comment on seeing your parties spending habits above? The fact the Republicans have been doing a pretty good job themselves of spending.

Enjoy your Sunday with family today. Are any of your wives also your niece? That is the way it is done in Utah right? Heck I bet your good buddies with Warren Jeffs. You ignorant a$$. I learned long ago not to judge a book by its cover. You might try that some time. You just hate someone who confronts your misleading posts in which you try to promote your agenda. Sorry Doug, I'm going to continue sticking it to you. I enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself you mental midget. Comments on the huge increase in the federal budget deficit under both parties? Uncomfortable yet?

Increase as a percentage of GDP under Reagan 11.3% first term and 9.3% second term (gee whiz I thought only Democrats spent to much)

Increase as a percentage of GDP under Bush Sr. 13.0% (damn liberals spending too much)

DECREASE as a percentage of GDP under Clinton first term - 0.7%

DECREASE as a percentage of GDP under Clinton second term - 9.0% ( But I thought the Democrats were the ones driving the deficit up? Hmm kinda makes you think a bit. )

Increase as a percentage of GDP under GWB first term 7.1%

Increase as a percentage of GDP under GWB second term 20.7% (ouch that one really hurt)

Let's not forget Obama

Increase as a percentage of GDP under Obama 18.5%

I contend every administration along the way except Clinton contributed to our Debt problem. This is how we got in the mess we are in with BOTH parties to blame. Awful hard for a Right winger like yourself to except I'm sure.
Posted By: mc Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 01:04 PM
jrb tell me about your incredible gunsmith background.i am a friend of Steves he is correct in saying if you don't regurgitate the political line on this part of the BB you get fried.but i still support bush because of the shit storm he inherited from the Clinton administration.if the media will not report what the administration is doing the administration gets away with destroying our republic, the IRS scandal is the biggest scandal to come along ever. it altered an election.the end
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 01:07 PM

Originally Posted By: SKB
Enjoy your Sunday with family today. Are any of your wives also your niece? That is the way it is done in Utah right? Heck I bet your good buddies with Warren Jeffs. You ignorant a$$. I learned long ago not to judge a book by its cover. You might try that some time. You just hate someone who confronts your misleading posts in which you try to promote your agenda. Sorry Doug, I'm going to continue sticking it to you. I enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself you mental midget. Comments on the huge increase in the federal budget deficit under both parties? Uncomfortable yet?

Sorry Steve, I'm not a Mormon/LDS/RLDS/FLDS so I can't reflect on their beliefs. I thought you were the know-it-all compassionate open minded world traveler who accepts all cultures from Queers to Ebola's, guess that's another lie....?....Your true colors are now showing again, "say one thing, do the opposite"......actions speak louder than words..........It is good to see that you now feel it necessary to attack families of all these various cultures that you said you understand so well....LOL.........but you were a liar all along, that figures, low life's do that and you certainly qualify as a low life.

Your ignorance is glowing again, keep it up for public view......

Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 01:22 PM
My point Doug, you moron, is that you can not judge a book by its cover. I fully know that many who reside in Utah are not Mormon. The Mormons I have known were very good people. I have zero against Mormons. The whole point of that part of my posts is you can not judge someone by their looks or where they are from. You need to look a bit further. Any comments on the deficit? Too uncomfortable?
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 01:35 PM
Originally Posted By: mc
jrb tell me about your incredible gunsmith background.i am a friend of Steves........

Well tell me about YOUR incredible gunsmith backround. I happen to be a friend of Doug's.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 01:41 PM
HA! I'm glad you asked....hopefully Mark will post some of his work. Mark has skills that most only dream of, including myself. I'm sure they will be lost on this crowd though, the guy lives in California, geez. After all what more do we need to know about someone? That and when the last time they had a hair cut and you have all you need to know.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 02:15 PM

Originally Posted By: SKB
My point Doug, you moron, is that you can not judge a book by its cover. I fully know that many who reside in Utah are not Mormon. The Mormons I have known were very good people. I have zero against Mormons. The whole point of that part of my posts is you can not judge someone by their looks or where they are from. You need to look a bit further. Any comments on the deficit? Too uncomfortable?

So now you tone it back Steve, understanding the stupidity of your previous post and your family attack profile you are really a piece of work.

If you wish to put forward a meaning on any post, all you have to do is say exactly what you mean at the time of your post....not some liberal changing explanation ten posts later or as you commonly do, from another thread some months in the past......Can you comprehend this paragraph......?

All politicians are guilty of adding to the deficit while trying to satisfy their constituents. The Democrats as a whole have multiplied our National Debt far more than the Republicans since Johnson's liberal Great Society Lie and Carters drastic liberal failures.....RR spent most of his debt load repairing what these previous liberals destroyed, employment, the military, foreign policy, Iran Contra and so forth. You can blame RR in your pea brain, but his intentions were to put Americans back to work, lower the iron curtain, repair the military, retrieve the hostages, improve foreign relations etc., all of which he did.

Bottom line is, if we run a ruler/spread sheet from George Washington to Obama, we find that Obama, your "Magic Negro" hero that you voted for, has compiled a debt greater than all the PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED........ALL OF THEM.

My point is and always has been, that anyone with an I.Q. over 40 and the ability to read, would have known the election of your Magic Negro in 2008 would spell disaster for this country in more ways than one. All of these disasters are now on exhibit for anyone to see, even you........ SO WHY IN YOUR INFINITE WISDOM AS A BUSH HATER DID YOU VOTE TO DESTROY YOUR HOMELAND.....?....Uncomfortable, can't explain it, won't explain it, don't give a shit......?...... YOU CAN PLEAD "STUPID" BECAUSE THAT FITS LIKE A GLOVE....!....

Is there any part of the BO debt load that you do not understand.......?.......You probably weren't around during Reagan, Carter, Johnson, JFK era's and don't understand a day to day reflection on what took place. Your liberalism probably stems from your upbringing, but if you had a brain that functions, you would have studied your way out of that ignorance and monkey see - monkey do mentality.

Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 02:34 PM
My goodness you dumb as a post. Why did you not quote me completely before, leaving out this key part
"Ahh Doug you do love your very shallow stereotypes don't you?"

Any fool could see the stereotype I threw at you was an exaggeration to place emphasis on a point. Did you really think I thought you talk to Warren Jeffs? Really? But no, you use selective quotation. Why? My guess is the facts hurt too much.

Reagan did lots of good things. Much of his spending was needed to stimulate our economy at the time. I'm blaming him for nothing. Though I do find your bringing up Iran Contra as a good thing to spend money on does seem telling of your mentality. Just stating the facts that both parties contributed to our current mess. It must really hurt you deep down in side to have to try defend the obscene spending that the Republicans have done in the recent past. I'm so sorry the truth hurts you this badly.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 02:53 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
..... the guy live in California, geez. After all what more do we need to know about someone? That and when the last time the had a hair cut and you have you need to know.

Holy crap, this guy Lefty Stevie is dumber than a box of rocks. This is the writing of a near illiterate. And the cowardly dumbass is so excited about his Wikipedia numbers that it looks like he's pissing himself... even though it's obvious he doesn't even understand them.

Did this retard actually even look at his precious numbers? If he had, and if he looked at the source of the data, he would see that the numbers for Bush Jr. and Obama are skewed because the source for the data is"CBO Historical Budget Page and White House Fiscal Year 2012 Budget." But the chart shows Obama's performance for 2009 to 2013.

We are missing a whole year of data from Obama's first term versus Bush's second term. Adding another year of reckless Obama spending would blow Bush's 20.7% number out of the water. But Stevie is too busy pissing himself in excitement over numbers which he does not understand... and too much of a sissy to admit that he read this. It will be very convenient for him to ignore this and not have to debate me. I think women use that tactic a lot. And alluding to the possibility that Doug was a Mormon polygamist who was breeding with his niece was really low-class. Now he's making excuses for it.

What's even more interesting is that Lefty Stevie, who just a couple days ago was denying who and what he is, and claiming to be a Moderate Independant, has came out of one of his closets and showed us that was all nothing but a lie. What we have here is another hard core supporter of the Party, the Philosophy, and the People who represent the greatest threat to the Second Amendment and the long term future of this country... Liberal Left Democrats. I only wanted you to be up front and honest about that Lefty Stevie. Why did you spend so much time denying it? Why was that asking too much to just admit that you're a flaming New York to Colorado Liberal? What will be your next move... San Francisco? Did you really truly have a girlfriend, or is that just another cover for your true beliefs?

I wouldn't care how talented he is as I gunsmith... I'll be damned if I would spend even a dime to have someone work on my guns who has their head that far up Obama's ass. Just my personal opinion.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 02:56 PM
Doug, as to the deficit, it was pretty much in steady decline under every administration no matter the party until Nixon's second term where only a very minor bump was seen, an increase of 0.2% of GDP. The increases began under RR. I'm not blaming him, but that IS what happened. Why is that so hard for you to admit Doug? Or is it some big conspiracy? Maybe the CBO has been infiltrated by undercover liberal socialist? Those last couple sentences were sarcasm, I do not want you to misunderstand you moron.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 03:07 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
HA! After all what more do we need to know about someone? That and when the last time the had a hair cut and you have you need to know.

Originally Posted By: SKB
My goodness you dumb as a post.

Holy crap, this guy Lefty Stevie is dumber than a box of rocks. This is the writing of a near illiterate person. And the cut-and-run cowardly dumbass is so excited about his Wikipedia numbers that it looks like he's pissing himself... even though it's obvious he doesn't even understand them.

Did this retard actually even look at his precious numbers? If he had, and if he looked at the source of the data, he would see that the numbers for Bush Jr. and Obama are skewed because the source for the data is"CBO Historical Budget Page and White House Fiscal Year 2012 Budget." But the chart shows Obama's performance for 2009 to 2013.

We are missing a whole year of data from Obama's first term versus Bush's second term. Adding another year of reckless Obama spending would blow Bush's 20.7% number out of the water. But Stevie is too busy pissing himself in excitement over numbers which he does not understand... and too much of a sissy to admit that he read this. It will be very convenient for him to ignore this and not have to debate me. I think women use that tactic a lot. And alluding to the possibility that Doug was a Mormon polygamist who was breeding with his niece was really low-class. Now he's making excuses for it. He and nca225 have a lot more in common than being morons.

What's even more interesting is that Lefty Stevie, who just a couple days ago was denying who and what he is, and claiming to be a Moderate Independant, has came out of one of his closets and showed us that was all nothing but a lie. What we have here is another hard core supporter of the Party, the Philosophy, and the People who represent the greatest threat to the Second Amendment and the long term future of this country... Liberal Left Democrats. I only wanted you to be up front and honest about that Lefty Stevie. Why did you spend so much time denying it? Why was that asking too much to just admit that you're a flaming New York to Colorado Liberal? What will be your next move... San Francisco? Did you really truly have a girlfriend, or is that just another cover for your true beliefs?

I wouldn't care how talented he is as I gunsmith... I'll be damned if I would spend even a dime to have someone work on my guns who has their head that far up Obama's ass. Just my personal opinion.
NRA Benefactor Life Member
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 03:27 PM
And would someone please teach this illiterate Libtard, Lefty Stevie, the difference between the words "Your" and "You're". I guess that's asking a lot from someone who can't remember how to spell their own last name.

This stupidity... is coming from Lefty Stevie, a person who slings the word Moron around like a dead cat??? Talk about people who live in glass houses!

This Misfires is really enlightening sometimes. All these years, and I never knew how stupid Lefty Stevie really was.

Here's some more about the amount of Federal debt ran up by Bush and Obama from

But we still will have Lefty Stevie wanting to rub Doug's nose in Bush's debt while he ignores the red ink ran up by the Magic Negro he supports.

Doug made an excellent point, I thought when he pointed out the difference between Democrats and Republicans in where the debt money was spent. Both sides are stuck with certain entitlement spending like Social security and Welfare. One side cuts defense spending and diverts the savings to Welfare programs... the other side is then forced to spend massive amounts to rebuild what was destroyed. One side tries to rein in abuses so that programs like Social Security are secure and stable. The other side spends like drunk sailors and kicks the can of abuses, waste, and fraud down the road. The only goal is to buy the votes of self-destructive idiots. We're still waiting to see those shovel-ready jobs, but that money was pissed away on Welfare bums and illegal aliens.

If I made my living working on guns, I don't think I would want people to know that I support politicians who have a 100% anti-gun voting record and wish to destroy our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. But stupid people make bad business decisions all the time! Just my personal opinion.
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/10/14 09:15 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
HA! I'm glad you asked....hopefully Mark will post some of his work. Mark has skills that most only dream of, including myself. I'm sure they will be lost on this crowd though, the guy live in California, geez. After all what more do we need to know about someone? That and when the last time the had a hair cut and you have you need to know.

With grammar and spelling like that I have no desire to see the work of either you or him, much less even let you touch one of my guns. You must be a product of our dumbed down liberal education system.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 12:50 AM
I went back and corrected it. I was wrong and should have proof read my post better.

It best you keep your ignorance in regards to Marks work Joel. Learning about new things can be quite scary when one is as sheltered as yourself. I'm kind of surprised you use the internet with all those things on it that you might not agree with. You sure do not want to learn something new Joel.
Posted By: boneheaddoctor Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 12:52 AM
Liberals are in bed with the muslims because like them...they have a taste for little girls and little boys.
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 01:51 AM
Originally Posted By: SKB
I went back and corrected it. I was wrong and should have proof read my post better.

It best you keep your ignorance in regards to Marks work Joel. Learning about new things can be quite scary when one is as sheltered as yourself. I'm kind of surprised you use the internet with all those things on it that you might not agree with. You sure do not want to learn something new Joel.

I believe keith may be right about your intelligence. You have no idea of the life I've led, whether it was sheltered or otherwise so you may keep YOUR ignorance about my life to YOURSELF as well.
Posted By: boneheaddoctor Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 02:01 AM
Wikipedia is a freaking joke...I've found MANY things in ti that I know for a fact are inaccurate (I saw the unfiltered original data some of it I've been involved in) and I know of one specifically that is 99.9999% completely wrong. That I have intimate knowledge of personally. And I saw it happen and know for a fact that NOBODY involved in the entry was there.

And it ranks up with some of the largest contemporary maritime disasters.

If I can pick a dozen or so random events I have direct and intimate knowledge of and find significant errors in all of calls into doubt the rest of them and how many of them are grossly innacurate too.
Posted By: RHD45 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 02:16 AM
Yeah, same thing with some of the stuff in the national archives. I read an "official" report and could not believe it was the same incident that I was involved in.I watched the whole thing and they even got the extent and nature of wounds received wrong.Making it more"palatable" or what? I guess history is written by the "winners" and they can say anything they want.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 07:50 AM
Joel you stated you knew nothing of Mark or his work and wanted to keep it that way. That lack of knowledge is ignorance. Your desire to not learn anything about him because you clearly know all you need to is quite telling. Go back and put your head in the sand otherwise you may come in to contact with some information that is in conflict with what you already know.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 01:31 PM

Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: SKB
..... the guy live in California, geez. After all what more do we need to know about someone? That and when the last time the had a hair cut and you have you need to know.

Holy crap, this guy Lefty Stevie is dumber than a box of rocks. This is the writing of a near illiterate. And the cowardly dumbass is so excited about his Wikipedia numbers that it looks like he's pissing himself... even though it's obvious he doesn't even understand them.

And alluding to the possibility that Doug was a Mormon polygamist who was breeding with his niece was really low-class. Now he's making excuses for it.

What's even more interesting is that Lefty Stevie, who just a couple days ago was denying who and what he is, and claiming to be a Moderate Independant, has came out of one of his closets and showed us that was all nothing but a lie. What we have here is another hard core supporter of the Party, the Philosophy, and the People who represent the greatest threat to the Second Amendment and the long term future of this country... Liberal Left Democrats. I only wanted you to be up front and honest about that Lefty Stevie. Why did you spend so much time denying it? Why was that asking too much to just admit that you're a flaming New York to Colorado Liberal? What will be your next move... San Francisco? Did you really truly have a girlfriend, or is that just another cover for your true beliefs?

Throughout this whole thread this low life, Steve/SKB, has promoted "you can't judge a book by it's cover" and he's "open minded" ....LOL......when by his own writings, spelling, grammar, stupidity, ignorance and lying two face posts , he has shown all of us that this illiterate uneducated liberal liar has PUT FORTH HIS COVER showing everyone here the moral fiber and intelligence of a real living libtard boob..... Poor fellow doesn't have the brains God gave a goose.

Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 02:38 PM
Oh Doug don't worry I will continue to prove you the fool you are, BS labels, partial quotes, half truths and all. I delight in showing you as the a$$ you really are you demented old Dinosaur you. Must be sad for you know that the angry old white guy thing you cling to so strongly is dying a quick death. Even your own party has come that conclusion after the last Presidential loss. The far, far, far right positions you stake out are a lost cause and will continue to lose in the future. Any interest in owning up to the Republicans huge portion of the deficit as posted in black and white? More comfortable calling names and acting childish? I think so. Comments on the deficit? Oh wait the Republicans only over spent to fix the mistakes of the Democrats right? How about owning up to it? Your are so full of crap I can smell the feces on your breath over the internet.....
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 03:01 PM
Okay I have tried to stay out of this pissing contest, and it's been a hell of a contest! Not for the faint of heart! Haha! Thanks goodness we are all abiding by Dave's rules.

Anyway, I have a question for Doug and Keith (or anyone else who cares to chime in).

First, you both know that on most issues, I am pretty much in lock step with you. I think we all want to live in a country we are proud of, that supports the freedom to pursue our own choices, etc etc etc.

What occurs to me is that to do that, you need a President other than Obama, you need senior politicians, those that drive the agenda, other than Reid, Pelosi, Clinton et al. You need the Republican Party AT FULL STRENGTH.

So how does that happen? Is it by belittling everyone who isn't pure of thought? This ain't religion. It's politics....the art of the possible. My view from a distance say that the GOP lost because too many potential supporters felt Romney wasn't the right guy....wasn't pure enough. Not that too many people voted for Obama.

Would he have been better than the current occupant? I'd say so. Would he have been perfect? No, no one is. Would compromises have to have been made? Yup. But that's always the case. The facts are the world moves forward, and like herding cats, we, who understand clearly what needs to happen, have to do the best we can. Not sit it out because it's not perfect.

Okay, have at it. I've got my shit shield hat on! LOL
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 03:26 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
....partial quotes, half truths and all....

....Must be sad for you know that the angry old white guy thing you cling to so strongly is dying a quick death. Even your own party has come that conclusion....

....Any interest in owning up to the Republicans huge portion of the deficit as posted in black and white?....

....Comments on the deficit? Oh wait the Republicans only over spent to fix the mistakes of the Democrats right? How about owning up to it?....

Ya know, another name for angry old white guy is, customer.

You made the point that not all gunsmiths are the same, can you show that all debt is the same. Does it feel the same to get stiffed for two boxes of shells or a couple hundred hours of labor.

Your one bright light on the debt front was the clint'n years. Is he the rock star exception to the rule, or was he handcuffed by an angry white guy. Does Gingrich figure in to the discussion. If debt is an important issue, is he a super hero or should he be demonized because well that's just what we do.

We can see Bush' moderation, and that makes him a spender, good thing or bad thing. He kinda looks like an old white guy, but he got it right because he's not an extremist dinosaur. Hmmm, he never was credited with fundamentally changing the US, did the dem congress control much of the spending. What's you take on pelosi's roll in responsible debt control.
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 03:33 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
...My view from a distance say that the GOP lost because too many potential supporters felt Romney wasn't the right guy....wasn't pure enough....

Hey James, I snipped out a bunch of comments about needing more moderation. Does that philosophy mesh with right wing purity. Good luck on those doves.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 03:40 PM
Craig, I'm just saying I'd rather have Romney than Obama, as I think most here would. So what has to happen to ensure that doesn't happen again. I don't like cutting off my nose to spite my face.

Do you disagree on my take of the why Romney lost?

Personally I think the best party (in the sense of moving it's agenda forward effectively) is one that finds a way to balance the moderates with the extremists, not one that alienates one group or the other. Checks and balances for both ends of the right of centre spectrum.
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 04:15 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
....Do you disagree on my take of the why Romney lost?....

I do. I think Romney can easily be shown to have taken the 'moderate' route. I think it all comes down to the effectiveness of the campaign. Years later, Romney has shown he can move the opinion needle, but that seems quite a bit easier to do when nothing's on the line.

King gets a lot of mileage out of the singular 47% off mic comment. Steve says bo is doing just fine except for a bit of paperwork hang ups and an ivory ban. I doubt joe average focuses on those three issues.

We all know what a tax and spend lib will do. Some are much bolder that others. I admit, it's quite the campaigning victory to convert demonize Bush into two presidential terms, but apparently it's possible if facts are avoided.
Posted By: James M Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 04:21 PM
The botton and tacit line I might add, is Romney didn't get elected President because many potential voters choose not to vote than to vote for a Mormon.
I live in the most populous Mormon State,yes we have more than Utah, an I've been around Mormons for many years. I think these non-voters "concern" inregard to Romney was hogwash.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 04:25 PM
Craig, my own take on some of those things are that King is wrong about the off mic comment. Blunder yes, irreparable harm, I don't think so. Bo is not doing fine and despite my conservative leanings I think any UNBIASED assessment of bo's presidency would agree. If Steve is saying bo is doing just fine, I think that is incorrect. I agree the average Joe doesn't get hung up on those issues. And I think that history....50 years from now, will be kinder to GWB than current attitudes.

But to be clear, I'm not talking about converting tax and spend liberals....I'm talking about getting ALL conservatives pulling together. Do that and the Presidency, the House and the Senate will be in GOP hands for the foreseeable future.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: canvasback

Anyway, I have a question for Doug and Keith (or anyone else who cares to chime in).

So how does that happen? Is it by belittling everyone who isn't pure of thought? This ain't religion. It's politics....the art of the possible. My view from a distance say that the GOP lost because too many potential supporters felt Romney wasn't the right guy....wasn't pure enough. Not that too many people voted for Obama.


When you have ignorant uneducated people who do not attempt to study their homework on candidates, like SKB here and the negro's looting in St. Louis as we speak, queers, pot smokers etc., they stay in lock step with the liberal party and no persuasion in the world will change their views. I think someone once pointed out on this board that a survey was taken in all the U.S. prisons across the country and it was shown that about 95% of the inmates were hard core liberal Democrats.....

These type of people "lie" in public about WHO THEY REALLY ARE and their liberal affiliation and are IMO a lost cause......This is why stupid people never admit who they voted for after the horse has left the county, not just the barn.....!......

On the other hand, intelligent Democrats and Republicans and Independents will choose a candidate for the betterment of this country rather than for personal gain and their hate for a sitting President, whether it is Bush, Obama or Clinton or Ronald Reagan. These intelligent people will do their home work and figure out what is best for this country LONG TERM and vote accordingly.

Intelligent people cannot be insulted politically because they know who they are and the difference between right and wrong, whether it be Democrats, Republicans, Independents etc.,....notice I did not say "libtards".....

The Magic Negro has performed so poorly that any intelligent people, will indeed, vote for someone of character and intelligence and for the betterment of this country long term.

Running a Conservative poster campaign in Harlem or the East side of St. Louis or pot smoking Colorado is pretty much a fruitless adventure and a waste of time. The massive migration to Colorado from California and other liberal states has destroyed what was once a nice conservative state.

Humans learn from doing. When the libtard left, who historically votes to damage themselves repeatedly, and is burnt bad enough, like many large ghetto ridden cities,THE INTELLIGENT ONES ONLY, shift to alternative politicians who can sustain damage control. This is why it is so often NOT just cannot fix stupid.

Again, the dummies of our society will never vote against their hand outs and freebies, you are wasting your breath. There are dummies here on this board who work on guns and helped to vote an anti second amendment politician into office, how dumb is that, basically shitting in your own nest...........

Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 04:43 PM
I'll reply in detail to Craig later, sorry to have not done so more quickly Craig. Just briefly though I am not say BO is doing just fine. Craig I understood your question to be how were regulations effecting me directly, in regards to chemicals etc. I mentioned the ones that come to mind in my shop. I have had no problems regarding Hazmat, EPA, new regulations etc. I'm sure others may have had problems with all the new BO greeny regulations but I have not. I feel for those effected though.

You asked several good questions Craig which I will try to address tonight. Is all debt the same? No, I do not think so, but the discussion does need to start somewhere. Once we start getting into whether or not the money was well spent it becomes quite philosophical. I'm not sure any of us have the time to fully explore who spent what and if it was a good idea or not.

Gingrich and his role? A big one in my mind. The fact we had a split government and both Newt and Slick Willy could come together to get things done was vital during that time period. There was compromise and the country was moving along nicely.

Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:01 PM
Doug, you aren't answering my question. Which is how do you get all potential GOP party voters to actually vote, to pull together to get the socialist dicks of the current Democratic party out? I get the welfare bums and the far lefties....don't care about them. I'm talking about the soft middle plus the hard right, who stay home and don't vote for a variety of reasons.

I guess where I'm getting to is would you rather be right or a little less right but in control of the levers of government?
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:04 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Doug, you aren't answering my question. Which is how do you get all potential GOP party voters to actually vote, to pull together to get the socialist dicks of the current Democratic party out? I get the welfare bums and the far lefties....don't care about them. I'm talking about the soft middle plus the hard right, who stay home and don't vote for a variety of reasons.

I guess where I'm getting to is would you rather be right or a little less right but in control of the levers of government?

"By choosing the right conservative candidate" ISS said, Romney's Mormonism killed his vote and he still came very close. The Republicans have nobody to blame but them selves....

Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:04 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB

The fact we had a split government and both Newt and Slick Willy could come together to get things done was vital during that time period. There was compromise and the country was moving along nicely.

Don't forget Steve, it was Slick Willy who set us all on the path of the financial meltdown, with his encouragement of risky mortgages for the underclass. And to a large degree, economically he could coast and still look good because the hard work had been done by RR & GHB.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:07 PM
Originally Posted By: PA24

"By choosing the right conservative candidate" ISS said, Romney's Mormonism killed his vote and he still came very close. The Republicans have nobody to blame but them selves....


Okay then, who should have the GOP picked? Are you telling me that in an era that elected a black man, that Mormonism killed Romney? Uptight Mass managed to elect him.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:14 PM
A fair point James. To my mind the Democratic push to get anyone into a home even if they could not afford it combined with the Republican philosophy of free markets needing little regulation and the bundling of mortgages as securities all led to the housing melt down. Just my viewpoint though.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:24 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
A fair point James. To my mind the Democratic push to get anyone into a home even if they could not afford it combined with the Republican philosophy of free markets needing little regulation and the bundling of mortgages as securities all led to the housing melt down. Just my viewpoint though.

I believe in individual freedom, not the freedom for large financial institution to run roughshod over all but the extremely wealthy. So I don't have much difficulty with appropriate financial regulation that protects the individual from the rapacious and amoral appetites of Wall Street.

But there is no Republican philosophy that supports that behavior in those institutions. Only the corrupt axis of "Inside the Beltway" Washington and Wall Street. It was the Dems under Clinton who enacted regulations that eased mortgage requirements and allowed for the bundling of mortgages into securities. And it is the current Democratic regime that has allowed the criminals of Wall street to escape unpunished.

That said, I don't argue with the idea that both parties do a poor job in this area.
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:27 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
....the off mic comment. Blunder yes, irreparable harm, I don't think so....

I don't think so either, but the strategy does work, doesn't it.

In my opinion, the dems just flat out will not offer a 'moderate' alternative to consider in a general election. So, my vote supports the wishy washy R.

During primaries, I think the RNC should dig and practice expose weaknesses of front runners, but the big bucks should be saved for after the primaries.

First order of business, hire top notch acting/media coaches to make that nominee the best actress ever. Also, hire crack dem strategists, who'll work for the almighty dollar, to create practice attack scenarios. Work off the promter if needed, flood youtube with the R logo in the corner of unrelated pop culture videos. Put the R logo in the corner of free inner city basketball league jerseys, put a little R logo up on bill boards with no other easily forgotten campaign slogan. Who knows, maybe repetition will sink in by osmosis.
Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:41 PM
It was my understanding that the rules regarding bundling came after Clinton, I may well be wrong on that point. I need to look that up. Either way, we are pretty much in agreement.
Posted By: James M Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 05:51 PM
I going to make a slight historical correction here. While Clinton and the Democrats( think of that little weasel Barney Frank here among others) get the primary blame for the housing meltdown. The whole economic fiasco really started with L. Johnson.
As the result of his Great Society over 1 Trillion dollars was expened in "helping" raise the poor and there is virtually nothing to show for it.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 06:27 PM

Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: PA24

"By choosing the right conservative candidate" ISS said, Romney's Mormonism killed his vote and he still came very close. The Republicans have nobody to blame but them selves....


Okay then, who should have the GOP picked? Are you telling me that in an era that elected a black man, that Mormonism killed Romney? Uptight Mass managed to elect him.


I supported and voted for Gingrich, the smartest and most experienced IMO, the "old white guy", but the electorate disagreed and picked Romney. The rest is history.

Lot's of conservatives did not vote, because they did not care for Romney and most of that was based on his Mormon faith. In fact it was projected long before he became the nominee.

Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 06:30 PM
Jim, wouldn't ague that point but that horse left the stable a very long time ago. Regulatory issues are worth looking at and addressing. Johnson's Great Society? We would all love it if we could just go back to where it was when he left office.

Craig, now we are talking!!
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 06:37 PM
Originally Posted By: PA24


I supported and voted for Gingrich, the smartest and most experienced IMO, the "old white guy", but the electorate disagreed and picked Romney. The rest is history.

Lot's of conservatives did not vote, because they did not care for Romney and most of that was based on his Mormon faith. In fact it was projected long before he became the nominee.

Well, if that is true, it's a piss poor reason for putting Obama back in for another four years. Romney and Gingrich would have both been better than Obama. I think that if there hadn't been all the sniping at Romney from the right, for whatever reason, he would have won. It's not the left we should be pissed's the right!!

Romney got my vote (if I had one, haha) because unlike everyone else he had a proven track record of success outside politics. Gingrinch was just too much a Washington insider for my liking and there was no one else running. That said, if Gingrich had been the nominee, I would have supported him and voted for him....and that's what enough Republicans did not do for Romney.

Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 06:42 PM

to me, the gist of this current discussion isn't about accommodation, or acceptance, or political purity and either strict or moderate adherance to a set of beliefs. It has turned into a discussion about basic honesty, and the lies and hypocrisy of the Left.

Lefty Stevie tried yet again, several pages back, to paint himself as an Independant Centrist. We called him out on it because it had became apparent that he only stuck his neck out to espouse and support Liberal Left ideas and principals.

Lefty Stevie then once again went into full denial mode. But as he became more inflamed and enraged, he finally and totally revealed that he is just another disingenuous lying Leftist. He is still lecturing Doug about name calling... even after engaging in his own name calling within the same paragraph. Isn't this typical? He has several times denigrated Doug because of his age, apparently assuming he is a decrepit old dinosaur because he is now retired. But I'd bet the sissy would not even think of stepping into a dark alley with Doug, especially after alluding to the possibility that Doug would enter into an incestuous relationship with his niece.

Lefty Stevie predictably became totally pissed at me after I referenced his own words by post numbers to illustrate his lying two-faced character... or should I say, lack of character. He won't even engage me anymore. Sound familiar? Maybe something like King Brown saying that he would ignore me because I "put words in his mouth" after I had quoted him verbatim. But we all know King does not ignore me. He answers in the third person, still hurling insults after he preaches about "civility. That behavior, along with dancing away from what they say and do, has become quite predictable. It is the behavior of cowards and dishonest people. I don't care to play nice with people like that, and there is nothing to be gained from it. Nothing.

You're right James, we agree on most things. Where we diverge is when you keep insisting that we can deal fairly with Liars and Hypocrites. All attempts at moderation and compromise by Conservative Republicans with Liberal Democrats only results in more attrition for the Conservatives. Just look at how Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.s attempts to appease the Democrat Liberals worked out for them and for us. Bush Sr. had his "No New Taxes" pledge stuffed up his rectum after he compromised. Bush Jr.s' huge expenditures to help Medicare and seniors with a Prescription Drug Plan is crammed down our throats as proof that he was a worse spendthrift than many Democrats. He ceded to pressure from Senate Democrats to permit the continuance of the loose mortgage lending standards enacted by Democrats which led to the Great Recession... and is blamed for all that. He was pilloried by the Unions and Democrats after he got tariffs put on foreign countries that were dumping steel products... fulfilling a campaign promise..after Clinton's Commerce Dept. did nothing but study the problem for 8 years. They do not deal with us. They do not compromise their insane principals and path to failure for our nation. And they constantly lie about it, and find ways to blame Republicans for their failures. And like Lefty Stevie, they play fast and loose with the facts and figures to turn facts into fantasy that their base will swallow hook line and sinker.

I have asked you to show us even one Liberal that any of us has won over. There are none. There will be none. It's a waste of time to try. They can't even be honest with themselves, and are typically in denial of what they are, who they vote for, and what they stand for. Better to expend the energy exposing their lies and bankrupt two-faced cowardly character, and showing others that compromising or trying to civilly engage them will only result in sliding further down the Libtard Slope. I haven't even yet been able to change your opinion of this... but I think you are worth working on.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 06:52 PM
Keith, you are confused about my point. I am NOT talking about accommodation with Democrats or the Left. Read my posts again. Perhaps you are so busy making another point, you are missing mine? smile

I AM talking about the right stopping the internal bickering and getting behind the nominee, regardless of whether he/she is "your" guy or not.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 06:55 PM
Originally Posted By: keith

Better to expend the energy exposing their lies and bankrupt two-faced cowardly character, and showing others that compromising or trying to civilly engage them will only result in sliding further down the Libtard Slope. I haven't even yet been able to change your opinion of this... but I think you are worth working on.

I think we would do better to expend our energy getting Republicans to vote for the Republican nominee. In addition to being right, we would also have the Presidency.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 07:08 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback

Anyway, I have a question for Doug and Keith

What occurs to me is that to do that, you need a President other than Obama, you need senior politicians, those that drive the agenda, other than Reid, Pelosi, Clinton et al. You need the Republican Party AT FULL STRENGTH.

So how does that happen? Is it by belittling everyone who isn't pure of thought? This ain't religion. It's politics....the art of the possible. My view from a distance say that the GOP lost because too many potential supporters felt Romney wasn't the right guy....wasn't pure enough. Not that too many people voted for Obama.

James, this is what prompted my post... especially the sentence, "Is it by belittling everyone who isn't of pure thought?"

I agree completely that we Conservatives did not do enough to energize the base and get out the vote, which allowed Obama to slip back in with less votes than the Republican had in 2008. Multiple Republican candidates brutalized each other throughout a long primary battle, and the Liberal Press trumpeted every difference while basically canonizing one candidate and refusing to properly vet his many deficiencies. The same is likely to happen again in 2016 where Hillary has already been essentially crowned, and even the incumbent VP has no chance of moving up to the top spot. Meanwhile, at least a half dozen Republicans are already entering the fray. And none is another Ronald Reagan reincarnate. I agree with Doug that a lot of folks couldn't be bothered to support a Mormon businessman, and they allowed an inept Muslim Community Organizer to slide back in to do second term damage. But the misrepresentation of his 47% comment by the Press and the DNC, along with his reluctance to go for the throat about Benghazi in the third debate likely sealed his fate. He had the momentum and blew a late fourth quarter lead. The number of Republicans who stayed home is especially important when you need sheer numbers to overcome massive vote fraud!

We have our work cut out for us, both in 2014 and 2016. Millions of Democrat Sheeple will follow the Leftist Media and the DNC, marching in lockstep past the ruins of a once great nation, to again pull the lever... multiple times if they can get away with it... for even more Liberal Left Anti-Gun Socialists. So-called gun guys like SKB will be right there with them!

This is why I spend so much time here and at home and work exhorting folks who say they see our nation going in the wrong direction to get off their ass and vote... join NRA... get involved... call, write, and e-mail legislators, etc. My neighbor is a staunch gun toting Conservative. But I got a post card sent to him from the County Board of Elections, inadvertantly put in my mailbox, that showed he had not been an active voter for the last 4 Presidential Elections. Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemies. And I still say that playing nice with Libtards is one of those times!
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 07:12 PM

Originally Posted By: canvasback

So how does that happen? Is it by belittling everyone who isn't pure of thought? This ain't religion. It's politics....the art of the possible.


You asked this question "first and foremost" then added some of your thoughts behind this.......Keith and I both answered this question with our then said we didn't answer your question.........?.......?

If the Republicans have a strong nominee he will blow the Democrats out of the water, plain and simple....Too many nominees running has been a problem, with NO clear front runners for the last two elections. McCain was a Joke and Romney had hand cuffs on.......Romney could not debate unless it was polite, just his nature.....a candidate who was strong and at times forceful would have buried the Magic Negro.

I blame the Republicans for putting up someone too "polite"....but I voted for Romney in the General Election, smart man.

Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 09:31 PM
Originally Posted By: SKB
It was my understanding that the rules regarding bundling came after Clinton, I may well be wrong on that point. I need to look that up. Either way, we are pretty much in agreement.

Wrong again Lefty...

"After the last Depression, Congress enacted a law, Glass-Steagall, which forbid banks, insurance companies, and investment houses to be in the same institution, to deter reckless speculation with depositors' money, which was seen as a major contributor to the stock market instability of the time. Then in 1999, at the height of the "Deregulation" craze, Citigroup and Travelers merged, a clear violation of Glass-Steagall. But rather than enforce the law, Congress repealed the prohibitions of Glass-Steagall with the passage of the 1999 Financial Services Act.

That opened the floodgates for runaway financial speculation. Wall Street knew that if they made money they would be allowed to keep it, but if their investments lost money, the US Government would step in to transfer the losses to the American people, because that is what had been demonstrated during the S&L debacle of the 1980s."

That's what led to the creation of Mortgage Backed Securities and "sub-prime" mortgages being bundled into securities which were foisted onto the market.

Uh, I think it was your boy Clinton that was in power in 1999. He signed the bill repealing provisions of Glass-Steagall. It was "The Financial Services Act of 1999". Oh, and the massive outsourcing of jobs that led to millions being unable to pay their mortgages started with Bill Clinton signing NAFTA... the atomic bombed dropped on the working class who foolishly elected him. Bill Clinton's selling out the middle class is what turned "risky" mortgages into foreclosures. Democrats own the biggest financial meltdown since the Great Depression. Dumbass Democrats still think he was great. Even more stupid are Democrat gun owners who saw him constantly whittling away their Constitutional Rights and went on to vote for more anti-gun Liberal Democrats. But you can claim you never saw this because you are too cowardly to respond to me. I however, can still show everyone else what a lying disingenuous two-faced ass you are.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 09:47 PM
Originally Posted By: italiansxs
The botton and tacit line I might add, is Romney didn't get elected President because many potential voters choose not to vote than to vote for a Mormon.
I live in the most populous Mormon State,yes we have more than Utah, an I've been around Mormons for many years. I think these non-voters "concern" inregard to Romney was hogwash.

I guess its just me but I completely missed that Romney being Mormon would be something of a problem for Republicans. I can see it with the anti religion crowd over on the left....
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 09:47 PM

Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: SKB
It was my understanding that the rules regarding bundling came after Clinton, I may well be wrong on that point. I need to look that up. Either way, we are pretty much in agreement.

Wrong again Lefty...

"After the last Depression, Congress enacted a law, Glass-Steagall, which forbid banks, insurance companies, and investment houses to be in the same institution, to deter reckless speculation with depositors' money, which was seen as a major contributor to the stock market instability of the time. Then in 1999, at the height of the "Deregulation" craze, Citigroup and Travelers merged, a clear violation of Glass-Steagall. But rather than enforce the law, Congress repealed the prohibitions of Glass-Steagall with the passage of the 1999 Financial Services Act.

That opened the floodgates for runaway financial speculation. Wall Street knew that if they made money they would be allowed to keep it, but if their investments lost money, the US Government would step in to transfer the losses to the American people, because that is what had been demonstrated during the S&L debacle of the 1980s."

That's what led to the creation of Mortgage Backed Securities and "sub-prime" mortgages being bundled into securities which were foisted onto the market.

Uh, I think it was your boy Clinton that was in power in 1999. He signed the bill repealing provisions of Glass-Steagall. It was "The Financial Services Act of 1999". Oh, and the massive outsourcing of jobs that led to millions being unable to pay their mortgages started with Bill Clinton signing NAFTA... the atomic bombed dropped on the working class who foolishly elected him. Selling out the middle class is what turned "risky" mortgages into foreclosures. Democrats own the biggest financial meltdown since the Great Depression. But you can claim you never saw this because you are too cowardly to respond to me. I however, can still show everyone else what a lying disingenuous two-faced ass you are.

Yes, blow job Billy, another big loser and draft dodger libtard hero, repealed the Glass-Steagall act of 1932 that had been in place to protect the public since 1933 and signed it's repeal into law on November 22, 1999.......two faced Steve-SKB has no clue Keith, you can't fix stupid.

So Bush gets blamed for the Democrat liberal debt load that was passed on to the taxpayers because the Democrat Libtards wanted every ghetto dweller to have a house even if they could never pay for it....all at the tax payers expense.......

As I said, the Democrats pass on their Bullshit Mess and financial crisis to the Republicans to clean only has to look at Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Feinstein, Boxer and all the other degenerates who call themselves Democrats and do the math if you have a working brain.

This next mess will really be a Duesy......

Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 09:59 PM
Hey cback. Thanks for your comments up on that dove hunting thread. Good example of unilaterally imposed regs, and kind of fits with the more bunk from the lefties theme. The right may be there to purchase a box of sporting shells, but the risk to joe little guy can make it very distasteful to carry on and pass along hunting traditions to the next generation.

Still, go get 'em out on the dove field. Absolute fun wing shooting, and nothing like some would say shooting tweety birds off the backyard feeder.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 10:00 PM
Doug, I work best in conversation, not single definitive expositions. Over the course of today, and over a number of posts, you ( and Keith) did an excellent job of answering the questions I was really trying to get to. Thanks to you both.

Now, I'm not much of one for making deals with the left (despite your belief that I may, Keith) but I'm all for making deals with my more moderate fellow conservatives to ensure a CONSERVATIVE government gets elected.

Now someone needs to post something thought provoking. I'm out of gas right now. tired
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 10:11 PM
No problem Craig. Most everyone here is overwhelmingly helpful when asked. It is a joy to be here. At the same time, I could see an opportunity to shed a little light for my American friends here about the behavior and regulations concerning guns and ammunition that I knew most of you would be blissfully unaware of.

I mean really, how many of you knew border security is involved in casing out hunters at gun shows to catch them illegally taking out of the country a flat or two of shells. That's a hell of an administration you guys put in power! LOL
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/11/14 10:36 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Now, I'm not much of one for making deals with the left (despite your belief that I may, Keith) but I'm all for making deals with my more moderate fellow conservatives to ensure a CONSERVATIVE government gets elected.

THAT...gets to the root of what I, and others, have been saying for about the last 6 or 7 pages. I know it's not you James! The problem we have is a small number of so-called gun guys like SKB who bend over backwards and swear up and down that they are moderates, Independants, or even Conservative in their leanings... but they continually attempt to push the Libtard agenda and provide cover for Liberal Left candidates and dogma. We can't deal with these types because they are constantly working to make certain that a Conservative government never gets elected. Even when they act like they are trying to help, you can bet the help is meant to weaken you. You can see the "Hope and Change" bumperstickers on their Prius from 1000 miles away and even over the internet. But they will go on-and-on in denial... to the point where they will ignore you, or hurl the same kind of insults that they constantly preach against.

But then it all comes pouring out like a tearful confession from a killer who is haunted by nightmares from his crime. We've seen the same thing before from OWD, Dave-in-Maine, etc. who deny supporting the extreme anti-gun politicians. Call them out on it and they go into full denial mode. But just go back and reproduce a quote from the past that proves they are liars and you become the enemy. At least most of them are smart enough to just disappear for awhile at that point. SKB (Lefty Stevie) just keeps making hard Leftist turns directly into the wall. Then he goes back and tries to appear centrist again before making yet another hard Leftist turn that shows his abject dishonesty.

Originally Posted By: canvasback
I mean really, how many of you knew border security is involved in casing out hunters at gun shows to catch them illegally taking out of the country a flat or two of shells. That's a hell of an administration you guys put in power! LOL

That's just the tip of the Liberal Left Democrat iceberg James... coming to, or at you from the "most transparent administration in history." This is what some of our so-called gun guys here voted for and still support. It's what your countryman King Brown pees his pants over, and calls 'Cerebral and Eloquent." You might be the lone voice of reason from Canada, but the Burger King drowns you out because he has nothing better to do than come here hundreds of times to use our First Amendment to undermine our Second Amendment and advance the Socialist Liberal Left Democrat agenda.

I'm proud to stand up and say I voted for Romney. Not by any means the perfect candidate, but absolutely the only rational choice left in November 2012. So-called gun guys like Lefty Stevie can't admit things like that. They have no courage of conviction. They are gutless, yet act like a rabid rat when backed into a corner. They go out of their way to conceal the fact that they support the very political philosophy that threatens our country AND our Right To Keep And Bear Arms! But they keep forgetting to scrape off that damn "Hope and Change" bumper sticker, and then get mad at me for pointing it out. What dicks!
Posted By: mc Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/12/14 01:47 PM
well, i know Steve and you are incorrect. and i think our Canadian friend is correct in that to win an election we need all the votes we can get that includes moderates,in the Romney election the southern baptist voters stayed away in droves.i think a lot of them consider Morman a cult.i voted for Romney i thought he was the right guy with the right background for the problems the country faced.i have a question,why do you guy's go to the intelligence or lack of intelligence insults in this discussion.prove your point if you can and move name is Mark Cooper and i'm an engraver, gunsmith. you can look me up.we need every voter to end this downward spiral of our nation.
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/12/14 03:47 PM
Originally Posted By: mc
....i think our Canadian friend is correct in that to win an election we need all the votes we can get that includes moderates,in the Romney election the southern baptist voters stayed away in droves.i think a lot of them consider Morman a cult....

....i voted for Romney i thought he was the right guy with the right background for the problems the country faced....

I don't believe anyone thought Romney was a radical right wing candidate, most saw him as moderate. He seems to fit the qualification, but he looses because his own constituents are at fault.

The left says the right is racially prejudice, the right says the right is religiously prejudice. I'm glad you voted on the issues. I also thought Romney might have brought solid economic and managerial skills to the table, based on track record not campaigning.

Since '08 Mark, how has your tax burden, regulatory restrictions, cost of living increases affected your ability to do business and make a living. Steve says he doesn't like some things, but apparently there is no affect to his burden or he's willing to accept it.

I'm not interested in anyone's private affairs, just curious if folks are or feel better off over the last five or six years. Does anyone perceive a healthier, happier, more productive and tolerant country springing up around them.
Posted By: James M Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/12/14 04:06 PM
I for one am retired and living on a fixed income. Just the rise in the cost of food should give everyone pause today. I do a lot of our grocery shopping and I've become increasingly concerned with the escalating prices. I realize that a lot of the price increase is energy driven from the cost of producing to the cost to truck it to a retail location.
Until we get agressive in searching out and producing more energy I see no end to this escalation in sight.
IMO: If you've felt better off over the last 5 years you are truly living in a paralllel universe.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/13/14 12:45 AM
Originally Posted By: mc
well, i know Steve and you are incorrect. and i think our Canadian friend is correct in that to win an election we need all the votes we can get that includes moderates,in the Romney election the southern baptist voters stayed away in droves.i think a lot of them consider Morman a cult.i voted for Romney i thought he was the right guy with the right background for the problems the country faced.i have a question,why do you guy's go to the intelligence or lack of intelligence insults in this discussion.prove your point if you can and move name is Mark Cooper and i'm an engraver, gunsmith. you can look me up.we need every voter to end this downward spiral of our nation.

Lefty Stevie's posts just within this single thread has him swaying back and forth between moderate and far left. The ones that show some small support for Conservatism, I think, are nothing but a put on. Virtually all of his previous Misfires posts have demonstrated a strong and unmistakable Liberal bias. There was nothing any of us could have said or shown him that would have made him vote for anyone other than the Anti-Gun Socialist Community Organizer Obama. No-one who voted for either of Obama's challengers would ever pop up so frequently to support the Liberal view. We're not stupid... even though it was your good buddy who first hurled the "moron" word at me in his post number 374903, and called Doug a pompous and self righteous ass in the same post.

Glad you're on the Conservative side Mark, and glad that you can see the incredible damage that the current administration is doing. I hope you can convince a lot of like minded moderates and conservative to go to the polls in November to try some damage control until 2016. But I think you'd be wasting your breath on your disingenuous little buddy. I, for one, don't waste my time trying to convert or convince Libtards. But I enjoy proving them wrong, and I especially enjoy outing the ones who pretend to be something they're not.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/13/14 07:32 AM
The problem with the Republican Party is "rotten core" of Fundamentalist Christians. Sadly same people that made Romney loose also blamed him for loosing the election. The inability to move from right toward the center thus gathering more votes is going to continue bringing losses.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/13/14 12:07 PM

Originally Posted By: mc
well, i know Steve and you are incorrect. and i think our Canadian friend is correct in that to win an election we need all the votes we can get that includes moderates,in the Romney election the southern baptist voters stayed away in droves.i think a lot of them consider Morman a cult.i voted for Romney i thought he was the right guy with the right background for the problems the country faced. i have a question,why do you guy's go to the intelligence or lack of intelligence insults in this discussion.prove your point if you can and move name is Mark Cooper and i'm an engraver, gunsmith. you can look me up.we need every voter to end this downward spiral of our nation.


You answer your own question regarding your libtard buddy SKB. If you are his friend and you have some influence with him and you wish to transform liberal voters to conservative voters, I would think you would have started with libtard SKB back in 2007...?......It would NOT have been successful, but did you try.....?...... SKB and others like him ARE the reason we are in "THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL" that you mention. You just can't fix stupid Mark, no matter how hard you try.

Anybody who voted for the "Magic Negro" in either election DOES have a lack of intelligence, any way you cut it Mark....What is happening now to this country was forecast with the election of the Magic Negro and has now come home to roost. With just a little homework anybody with an active brain and some intelligence would have seen this coming, all of it......and indeed the intelligent people did. Hating Bush is not an excuse to do a 180 in the voting booth and besides only a "libtard" truly hated Bush.

The minorities were a given and always, as a majority, march lock step with the Democrats and having a black candidate really had their attention...... Besides all the voter fraud, it was the white libtards who thought it would "be nice" to have a black president, or hated Bush, or wanted more free stuff and those folks pushed the "Magic Negro" over the top. These people can now view first hand the downward spiral they helped to create.

Only when the libtard public suffers enough financially (only the ones that do work) will they change their vote as history proves, and this has nothing to do with what we say or post on this "one of many million" BBS's........AND YES, VOTING FOR AN INEXPERIENCED PERSON FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS IGNORANT......Ignorance is a sad thing Mark, but it has been with us since day one.

Posted By: SKB Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/13/14 12:50 PM
I made a damn good case for my dislike of Bush, namely a war we did not need an his overspending. Morons like you Doug are what cost the GOP the last election. The Republican National committee spent millions analyzing the last loss and came up with the same conclusion. A bigger tent is what is needed for the GOP to win, yet you want the party to run as hard to the right as possible. Oh I bet it was libtards infiltrating the party. A dinosaur indeed Doug. The days are numbered for idiots like you. Here is an interesting article, damn liberal media. Remind you of anyone Doug?
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/13/14 04:42 PM
Lefty Stevie thinks he "made a damn good case for " his "dislike of Bush, namely a war we did not need an (sic) his overspending."

However, no-one, conservative or liberal, wants or needs a war. War is always costly in terms of death, injury, and monetary costs associated with the production of war materials... plus the resulting destruction and costs of rebuilding after the conflict.

But there are times when war becomes inevitable... when all the "Give peace a chance" chants in the world won't help. Often, the conflict can be traced back to a failure in diplomacy or foreign policy. Often, the cost and duration of the war can be traced back to the way it was waged.

Saddam invaded Kuwait in late 1990. An international coalition of forces was able to quickly rout him and decimate his vaunted million man army in a matter of days. Bleeding heart Liberals pressured Bush Sr. to pull back the big hammer, and eventually pull out, with tough U.N. Sanctions in place... sanctions that Saddam quickly began violating. Bill Clinton twiddled his thumbs and did nothing but talk about these violations which included oil smuggling, weapons smuggling, banishment of U.N. Weapons Inspectors, and threats and bluster about the resumption of WMD production.

Bush Jr. went back in to complete the job in March 2003 with the approval of 86% of the American public, and strong support from leading Democrat two-faced rats like Kerry and Bill Clinton. The costs were larger than expected because Clinton military budget cuts had weakened our military drastically. Once again, Liberals pressed for idiotic rules of engagement which allowed the enemy to inflict casualties which should not have happened. Iraq II was merely a continuation of Iraq I, and the rise of ISIS there is merely the beginning of Iraq III as Obama begins treating another gaping wound with bandaids. We will either finish the job correctly now... which Obama will never do... or we will be dragged into a larger mess later. If a Republican happens to be the one who has to go in yet again in a big way... he will be blamed for problems that originated with Liberal Democrats and were perpetuated by Obama. The only way any army will finally beat radical Islam is to smash them like an egg hit with a sledge hammer. Anything less will have them making a comeback within a decade. Libtards have been, and will continue to be the biggest impediment to getting the job done right.

And disingenuous libtard fools like SKB will be here pretending to be Conservatives... but bashing Conservatives as often as they can without completely blowing their cover. Nothing will ever bring Lefty Stevie into the "Bigger Tent" that he wants the Republicans to erect... Nothing except becoming Liberal Left Socialists just like he and King.

Dinosaurs did not die off on their own or get beaten in elections by mammals without voter I.D. cards. It took a cataclysmic explosion from the crash of a large asteroid, and a resulting ice age to kill them off. Without that asteroid, dinosaurs would still be eating mammals as quickly as they emerged from hiding. Is that why you're hiding from me Stevie? Is that why you won't answer Doug about your thinly veiled support for Obama and the Liberal Left. We don't want or need inclusiveness with dishonest folks like you. What we really need to do is open the eyes of the people you have been fooling. Then we can get our country back on the right path.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/13/14 05:16 PM
The First Gulf War ended in a mess. I knew back then that we'd be back, and the the Bush Sr. rationalization to stop in order to keep the Arab members in the coalition was a mistake. I knew it just a couple of nights after we halted, and we could watch the Iraqis in the distance lighting up the Shiites.

A "bigger tent" is what the republicans need, but NOT by becoming more statist by buying the votes of entitled victim groups, the democrats already have that down.

It is the teaching of the traditional American values of Individual Freedom and Equality that is the answer, and is the one concept that has alway culturally unified us. (the basis of American Exceptionalism) But that was before the Balkanization, by the Democrats, of our country into a mess of unconstitutional, sociopathic, statist, religious, entitled victim sub-cults.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/13/14 05:40 PM
Ken, the skids are greased by guys like King, SKB, Jagermeister, nca, homer, OWD, Fin2Feather, Rocky Mtn Bill, Dave-in-Maine, etc. These are the guys who can cherry pick the failures of the Republicans like Bush Jr. and use that as a convenient excuse to support and provide cover for the Liberal Left Democrats who are flushing this country down the toilet. Yet they can totally ignore the massive failures of the Democrat Leftists, and even ignore the fact that those are the people who work so dilligently to take away our Second Amendment Rights.

Here's a link to the recent Chinese spacecraft landing on the moon. That's where this country was 50 years ago before the Great Society bled us dry and made times like this nothing but a memory:
Posted By: mc Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/14/14 12:01 AM
i am going to take steve at his word that he is going to vote a straight G.O.P. ticket i'll never convince anyone here so i wont try i don't shit on friends. the end
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/16/14 05:48 AM
Originally Posted By: mc
i am going to take steve at his word that he is going to vote a straight G.O.P. ticket i'll never convince anyone here so i wont try i don't shit on friends. the end

Hey, you've got me convinced! And I am going to believe that OJ Simpson did not kill Nicole... that Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky... that you can keep your Doctor and your Health Care plan under ObamaCare...

And more than anything, I am going to take King Brown's oft stated word that he never voted for a Liberal...

Oh, wait a minute, he said he never voted "Liberal". That's different because Liberals go by numerous names in Canadian Political parties. They differ somewhat, ranging from far left Socialist anti-gun loons to complete anti-gun Libtard wackos. It helps to have those deceptive qualifiers. I'd still like to know the Miqmak words for, "Him speak with forked tongue."

I think it was Shakespeare who said that "A Liberal Rose by another name would still smell like rotten fish."
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/16/14 01:45 PM
I suspect he is stating that so you stop badgering him. I can't say I blame him.
Posted By: mc Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/16/14 03:13 PM
Keith,im going to have to take it your a nice guy
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/16/14 08:46 PM
Nice guys finish last. When you have folks like Jagermeister or King helping your country on its' slide into the toilet... being nice is like giving an arsonist gasoline and matches. It would be nice to pretend otherwise... but facing reality dictates another path.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/17/14 04:15 PM
Well, i'm nice and am doing very well for myself. Ha, ha.....
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/17/14 06:40 PM
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Well, i'm nice and am doing very well for myself. Ha, ha.....

I have an idea how important you are to you, but are you nice to others. Of course you are Jm, but does niceness put groceries on the table or are you intolerant of the not so well off.
Posted By: King Brown Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/18/14 01:49 PM
It's a generalization to say so, Craig and open to all sorts of opinions but from my experience "niceness" puts groceries on the table. Good manners trumps meanness and callousness in families, the work place---and countries.

I noticed it first among the heads of large successful corporations. They had surpassing social skills, getting people working harmoniously and productively together, while the really smart guys were in the lower echelons.

Crazy as it sounds, it seems manners are arguably as important as brains. Foul language, sharp dealing, lack of fairness and integrity, do not attract respect for all one's technical adroitness. Ostensible niceness pays in politics, too.
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/18/14 03:27 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's a generalization to say so, Craig and open to all sorts of opinions but from my experience "niceness" puts groceries on the table. Good manners trumps meanness....

....I noticed it first among the heads of large successful corporations. They had surpassing social skills....

....Crazy as it sounds, it seems manners are arguably as important as brains....

....Ostensible niceness pays in politics, too.

Being a one issue extremist, wink, I may have mentioned a time or two about words that're selected for intentional vagueness. You may recall, though out of my forte, civility may be questioned at times because it assumes the brain must be disengaged.

Would you feel, not think, that bo-pelosi-reid is a 'nice' trinity. Ahh, must be because it pays so well. Big corp and nice in the same thought, maybe corporate welfare has a half nice ring to it. Hey, is this a trick, are you saying the facts of issues don't matter.

Hey, I think you missed a point in Jm's niceness comment, he said 'ha, ha'. I take it to mean, we're all in this together, let's get 'er done.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/18/14 04:16 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's a generalization to say so, Craig and open to all sorts of opinions but from my experience "niceness" puts groceries on the table. Good manners trumps meanness and callousness in families, the work place---and countries.

I noticed it first among the heads of large successful corporations. They had surpassing social skills, getting people working harmoniously and productively together, while the really smart guys were in the lower echelons.

Crazy as it sounds, it seems manners are arguably as important as brains. Foul language, sharp dealing, lack of fairness and integrity, do not attract respect for all one's technical adroitness. Ostensible niceness pays in politics, too.

The greatest threat to "putting groceries on the table" for most of us here King is Libtard idiots like you who propagate the expansion of Socialism and the Welfare State. You have lied and inflated your resume in order to try to sell your "solutions" which have a proven history of failure. Knowing this, you continue to go down the same path, and push for the same destructive solutions. This should make anyone question your actual motives. You are very proud of the ways in which Canada has surpassed the U.S. Do you really want us to do better, or are you happy to see us fail? I suspect the latter. You certainly are no friend to gun owners here in the U.S.

Actions speak louder than your empty words King. Lies are not nice, and dishonesty is not civility. Cut the crap and go work on gun rights in your own country... something you have never done. It is the "solutions" of Socialist Libtards like yourself that has made the U.S. slide downhill as a nation. We don't want your help. People like you created our biggest messes. Go away. You are not our friend.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/18/14 04:19 PM

1917 East St. Louis Riot July, 1917, East Saint Louis, IL, USA.

[2] 1919 Chicago Race Riot 27 July-2 August 1919 Chicago, IL, USA. An African American teenager, Eugene Williams, who was swimming in Lake Michigan drifted near a beach that whites considered their own. A white man on a breakwater assailed the black youth with stones and the black youth drowned. The white Chicago police officers who investigated the incident refused to arrest the assailant who thrown the stone at the black youth. The tension escalated into riots between blacks and whites. The Governor of Illinois, Frank Lowden, called in the Illinois National Guard to quell the unrest, but at least 38 people were killed and 500 injured over a period of seven days.

[3] 1921 Tulsa Race Riots 31 May-1 June 1921, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.

[4] 1935 Harlem Riot 19 March 1935, New York City, USA

[5] 1958 Notting Hill race riots late August and early September 1958, London, UK

[6] Rochester 1964 race riot 24–26 July 1964

[7] Cypriot intercommunal violence 1963-1964. Major riots in the cities of Nicosia, Famagusta and Larnaca led to the division of Cyprus, and its two communities, the Turkish and Greek Cypriots.

[8] Harlem Riot of 1964 16-22 July 1964, New York City, New York, provoked by the NYPDs shooting of black teenager James Powell.

[9]Philadelphia 1964 race riot 28–30 August 1964, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Allegations of police brutality sparked the Columbia Avenue race riots.

[10] Watts Riots 11 August 1965, Los Angeles, California, USA, The McCone Commission investigated the riots finding that causes included poverty, inequality, racial discrimination and the passage, in November 1964, of Proposition 14 on the California ballot overturning the Rumford Fair Housing Act, which established equality of opportunity for black home buyers.

[11] Hough Riots 18 July 1966, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, The underlying causes of the riots may found in the social conditions that exist in the ghettos of Cleveland.

[12] Racial tension in Omaha, Nebraska 5 July 1966, North Omaha, Nebraska, USA, More than 500 black youth gathered to protest the absence of recreation programs and jobs storm a local business district, throwing rocks and bricks at Jewish-owned businesses in the area. The National Guard is called in after three days of random violence and organized raids.

[13] 1967 Newark riots 12 July 1967, Newark, New Jersey, USA, Factors that contributed to the Newark Riot: police brutality, political exclusion of blacks from city government, urban renewal, inadequate housing, unemployment, poverty, and rapid change in the racial composition of neighborhoods.

[14] 1967 Plainfield riots 14 July 1967, Plainfield, New Jersey, USA 12th Street riot 23 July 1967, Detroit, Michigan, USA, The origins of urban unrest in Detroit were rooted in a multitude of political, economic, and social factors including police abuse, lack of affordable housing, urban renewal projects, economic inequality, black militancy, and rapid demographic change.

[15] Minneapolis-Saint Paul USA, Fall 1967. Racial tensions boil over in North Minneapolis as whites continue to leave the decaying core of the inner city bound for the suburbs.

[16]1968 Chicago, Illinois riots 4 April 1968 Violence erupted in Chicago's black ghetto on the west side, eventually consuming a 28-block stretch of West Madison Street. Looting and arson took place primarily in the corridor between Roosevelt Road on the south and Chicago Avenue on the north.

[17]1968 Washington, D.C. riots 4 April 1968, Washington, D.C., USA, A report from National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders identified discrimination and poverty as the root causes of the riots that erupted in cities around the nation during the late 1960s and in Washington, DC in April 1968

[18] Baltimore riot of 1968 4 April 1968, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Glenville Shootout 23 July 1968, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Shootout between black militant organization led by Ahmed Evans and Cleveland Police Department attracted large and hostile black crowds that caused a four-day riot Stonewall riots June 1969, New York City, New York.

[19]1969 North 24th Street Riots 24 June 1969, North Omaha, Nebraska USA, An Omaha police officer fatally shoots a teenager in the back of the head during a gathering of youth in local public housing projects. Many youth and adults from the local African American community gather in the local business district, routinely burning and otherwise destroying non-Black-owned businesses.

[20] 1970s 1976 Soweto Riots, Johannesburg, South Africa 1976: The Soweto Riots : Massive reaction to education laws under apartheid, bloodily suppressed

[21] New York City blackout of 1977 13 July 1977, New York City, USA, That massive blackout was viewed by some as one symptom of the city's decline. Riots and looting.

[22] 1979 Southall Riot (Blair Peach) 23 April 1979, London, England

[23]1980s 1980 St. Pauls riot 2 April 1980, Bristol, England

[24]Arthur McDuffie 8 May 1980, Miami, Florida, USA, black outrage at "a double standard of justice"

[25] 1981 Brixton riot 11 April 1981, London, England

[26-29] 1981 Toxteth riots 5 July 1981, Liverpool, England 1981 University of Puerto Rico/Rio Piedras Riots 1981, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 1981 Chapeltown race riot 1981, Leeds, England 1980s Handsworth race riots 10 July 1981, Birmingham, England

[30-32] 1985 Brixton riot 28 September 1985, Brixton, London, England 1985 Broadwater Farm Riot 6 October 1985, Tottenham, London, England 1985 Toxteth riots 1 October 1985, Liverpool, England 1985 Peckham riots 1 October 1985, London, England, A report by Lord Scarman acknowledged much of the widespread unrest had its roots in social and economic deprivation and in racial discrimination.

[33-34] 1990s 1991 Washington, D.C. riot 5–7 May 1991, Washington, DC Crown Heights Riot 19 August 1991, New York City, USA

[35-39]Meadow Well Riots 9 September 1991, Newcastle upon Tyne, England

1992 Los Angeles riots 29 April 1992, Los Angeles, California, USA

Riot of Rostock-Lichtenhagen 22–24 August 1992, Rostock, Germany Brixton riot (1995)

13 December 1995, London, England, Alex Owolade, chairman of the anti-racist group Movement for Justice, said the violence was a rebellion against years of "racist injustice" by police in an impoverished area plagued by racial tension.

[40] Jakarta riots of May 1998 May 1998, Indonesia, triggered by economic decline; problems were both urban and rural

[41] 2001 Cincinnati riots 10 April 2001, Cincinnati, Ohio, US, An Enquirer reporter, Kristina Goetz, reported that the lack of progress on perennial inner-city problems such as inadequate child and health care, failing schools, and low rates of minority home ownership was a contributing factor.

[42] Oldham Riots 26 May 2001, Greater Manchester, England

[43]Benton Harbor riots 16 June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan

[44]2004 Redfern riots 14 February 2004, Sydney, Australia 2005 Macquarie Fields riots 25 February 2005, Sydney, Australia, There is an open debate about the cause of this riot. One side cites economic factors and racism.

[45] 2005 Toledo Riot 15 October 2005, Toledo, Ohio, USA, Residents at forum named poverty, above other causes, as the kindling for the riot.

[46] 2005 Birmingham riots 22 October 2005, Birmingham, England, Many white and more affluent African-Caribbean residents have moved out of Birmingham, signaling a rapid change in the racial composition of neighborhoods.

[47-51] 2005 civil unrest in France 2005 Paris, France 2005 Cronulla riots 2005 Sydney, Australia 2006 Dublin riots February 2006, Dublin, Ireland 2006 protests in Hungary September–October 2006, Budapest, Hungary 2008 Greek riots December 2008, Athens and other major cities of Greece.

[52] 2010 Kyrgyzstani uprising April–May 2010, Bishkek and other cities in Kyrgyzstan. May 2010 Greek protests May 2010, Throughout Greece to protest public spending cuts.

[53] 2011 Stanley Cup riot 15 June 2011, Vancouver.

[54] 2011 England riots From 6 August 2011, initially in Tottenham, London, later in many other parts of London and some other major English cities.

[55]2014 Hrushevskoho Street riots From 23 February 2014, initially in Hrushevskoho Street, Kiev, Ukraine, 12 anti-protest laws were repealed and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov tendered his resignation and a bill offering amnesty to arrested and charged protesters was issued.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's a generalization to say so, Craig and open to all sorts of opinions but from my experience "niceness" puts groceries on the table. Good manners trumps meanness and callousness in families, the work place---and countries.

Lot's of riots, the majority were race motivated where large numbers of Blacks reside and turned to looting, violence and major property damage. Those that were not race motivated usually did not end in looting and death.

Niceness didn't work in Ferguson Missouri for the last 150 years anyway King,.....the county there has been pandering to negro's since the civil war....and nothing has changed in Ferguson King, it's still a ghetto town with a majority of negro's who don't work and they resort to violence while trying to make a point..........and after midnight at that, while everywhere else WORKING MEN AND WOMEN ARE SLEEPING............Please explain "niceness" to those people....and then spread your speech to New Orleans, Houston, Detroit, Chicago, Toronto, Paris, London, JoBurg etc., etc., and etc.....

King, since those families in Ferguson are mean and callous, why don't you go down there and help out......don't libs go help when the fire is turned up....or do you just talk...?....All you liberal types could probably get a free bus ride to Ferguson....?....

Sure is funny that this same scenario plays out repeatedly in almost every large city on the planet.........same exact scenario.....starts with their own commission of a crime or crimes......and it always escalates into LOOTING AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, VIOLENCE AND FINGER POINTING WITHOUT THE FACTS.............It's all b.s. King.........

Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/18/14 08:02 PM
Originally Posted By: PA24

Lot's of riots, the majority were race motivated where large numbers of Blacks reside and turned to looting, violence and major property damage. Those that were not race motivated usually did not end in looting and death.

Niceness didn't work in Ferguson Missouri for the last 150 years anyway King,.....the county there has been pandering to negro's since the civil war....and nothing has changed in Ferguson King, it's still a ghetto town with a majority of negro's who don't work and they resort to violence while trying to make a point..........and after midnight at that, while everywhere else WORKING MEN AND WOMEN ARE SLEEPING............Please explain "niceness" to those people....and then spread your speech to New Orleans, Houston, Detroit, Chicago, Toronto, Paris, London, JoBurg etc., etc., and etc.....

King, since those families in Ferguson are mean and callous, why don't you go down there and help out......don't libs go help when the fire is turned up....or do you just talk...?....All you liberal types could probably get a free bus ride to Ferguson....?....

Sure is funny that this same scenario plays out repeatedly in almost every large city on the planet.........same exact scenario.....starts with their own commission of a crime or crimes......and it always escalates into LOOTING AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, VIOLENCE AND FINGER POINTING WITHOUT THE FACTS.............It's all b.s. King.........

My understanding from some statistics I saw last week is that Ferguson has been a town/city in transition. According to the census data I saw, 25 years ago it was predominately white. Now it's predominately black.

I keep think that it's highly likely that if the kid who got shot was busy minding his own business, was studying to get into college, was working at a job, any job, it's unlikely he would have been a suspect in a recent robbery and thus unlikely he would have been shot.

I have never worried once in my 56 years that a policeman was going to shoot me. And I highly suspect no policeman has ever considered that I may be someone he needed to shoot.

To your point Doug, any underclass, when they crank themselves into a riotous frenzy, will be leaving their brains behind. Anyone suggesting there is something to be learned here, that the violence and looting is other than the mindless violence of a mob, is fooling themselves. I suspect the reason it happens so often in black communities in the US is they make up a disproportionate percentage of the underclass and black culture in America today is a self promoting culture of victim-hood. Thus, they believe they have legitimate grievances even if those grievances have been self administered.

Glad I don't live near there.
Posted By: keith Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/19/14 05:33 PM
Quote by canvasback: "Glad I don't live near there."

But with Liberal Left Socialist people like King advancing the Libtard agenda whenever and wherever they can... there is the very real possibility that this show will be coming soon to a theatre near you.

Here in the good ol' U.S.of A., trillions of dollars of Great Society spending and wealth redistribution has not lifted the blacks from alleged poverty and racial injustice. Every other minority group that suffered discrimination has managed to mainstream themselves... even the relatively recent Latino's are leapfrogging the blacks except when they emulate them. It appears that the Liberal cure is worse than the symptom. Their solution is to piss away trillions more because it is of the utmost importance to keep these people on the Democrat Plantation.
Posted By: PA24 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 03:41 AM

Originally Posted By: canvasback

I suspect the reason it happens so often in black communities in the US is they make up a disproportionate percentage of the underclass and black culture in America today is a self promoting culture of victim-hood. Thus, they believe they have legitimate grievances even if those grievances have been self administered.

Glad I don't live near there.


+100....dead on .....and the negro repeats this mentality and culture of victim-hood around the world, any place that they congregate.

They promote, as a result of their own behavior, living in a culture of denial everywhere. Not all of course, but the vast majority by far, 80+ percentile.

The "Great Society" at work...........!...........

Posted By: Dave K Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 12:22 PM
Great read, actually 2 in PJM

"The Real Villain of Ferguson "

"The Great Society. There, I’ve said it. The Great Society, which I voted for and supported from the bottom of my heart, is the villain behind Ferguson. Ferguson is the Great Society writ large because the Great Society convinced, and then reassured, black people that they were victims, taught them that being a victim and playing a victim was the way to go always and forever. And then it repeated the point ad infinitum from its debut in 1964 until now — a conveniently easy to compute fifty years — as it all became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The Great Society and similar policies screwed black people to the wall.
It was racist to the core without knowing it. Nobody used the N-word. In fact, it was forbidden, unless you were Dr. Dre or somebody. But it did its job without the word and did it better for being in disguise. Those misbegotten kids running around Ferguson high on reefer and wasting their lives screaming at cops are the product of all this. Stop it already. No one has said this better than Jason Riley, author of Please Stop Helping Us. Listen to Jason if you want to end Fergusons.
Posted By: King Brown Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 02:00 PM
"Thus, they believe they have legitimate grievances even if those grievances have been self administered."

The United States exhibited to the world egregious and unconstitutional policies toward blacks until at least 50 years ago, within memory of most here.

Blacks have legitimate grievances, as would you and I under similar circumstances. How were those grievances self-administered?
Posted By: James M Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 02:46 PM
"The United States exhibited to the world egregious and unconstitutional policies toward blacks until at least 50 years ago, within memory of most here.

Blacks have legitimate grievances, as would you and I under similar circumstances. How were those grievances self-administered?"

I've been hearing that same old tired B.S. like K. Brown posted above for longer than I care to remember.
Typical Libtard excuses are along these lines: Blacks look different then Whites so that's why they can't make progress.
The can't get jobs and earn a living so they protest and riot.

From Wikipedia:
"Only since the 1940s when the US and China became allies during World War II, did the situation for Chinese Americans begin to improve, as restrictions on entry into the country, naturalization and mixed marriage were being lessened. In 1943, Chinese immigration to the U.S. was once again permitted — by way of the Magnuson Act — thereby repealing 61 years of official racial discrimination against the Chinese. Large-scale Chinese immigration did not occur until 1965 when the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965[4] lifted national origin quotas.[5] After World War II, anti-Asian prejudice began to decrease, and Chinese immigrants, along with other Asians (such as Japanese, Koreans, Indians and Vietnamese), have adapted and advanced. Currently, the Chinese constitute the largest ethnic group of Asian Americans (about 22%), and have confounded earlier expectations that they would form an indigestible mass in American society.[citation needed] For example, many Chinese Americans of American birth may know little or nothing about traditional Chinese culture, just as European Americans and African Americans may know little or nothing about the original cultures of their ancestors."

Well: Somebody need to tell this to the millions of Asians who are here and have managed to progress And for the most part it's been acconplished without government handouts and rioting.

To a great extent the "grievences" Blacks have and are self administered with the help of Libtards like Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 02:50 PM
Comrade King, The Statist Religious Sociopath in you just keeps on giving.

Yeah! That's why we should pay reparations to all blacks! Because Civil Liberties were violated a half century ago, we should extort freedom from others today and reward the descendants of the people of the past. We should also excuse them from criminally and sociopathically inflicting themselves on other citizens. People are not equal, We must reward the entitled victims.

King, Your sociopathic statist religious dogma is pathetically preposterous.
Posted By: King Brown Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 04:38 PM
Ken and Jim: Asians are relative newcomers, many taking refuge during and after the Americans lost 55,000 men and women protecting colonialism in Vietnam. US blacks were the white man's beasts of burden, segregated without the vote, for more than 200 years.

It's a curse the country will bear, just as Vietnam's scar remains. Black lives improved at the point of federal bayonets enforcing their constitutional rights. Nothing was given to blacks willingly. Remember Washington, Detroit and Los Angeles burning? Were they terrorists or freedom fighters?

The US is the better for it.
Posted By: craigd Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 04:52 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....It's a curse the country will bear, just as Vietnam's scar remains. Black lives improved at the point of federal bayonets enforcing their constitutional rights. Nothing was given to blacks willingly. Remember Washington, Detroit and Los Angeles burning? Were they terrorists or freedom fighters?

The US is the better for it.

If we're so post racial, why'd the prez send a racial activist to take charge in ferguson. Fifty percent of teen to mid thirties blacks die by murder, some ninety plus percent of those at the hands of other blacks. Isn't it a tad uncomfortable that you'd think we're the better for it.
Posted By: King Brown Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 05:13 PM
No country anywhere will ever be post-racial, Craig. Laws against discrimination are the better for it even by being observed, change of heart notwithstanding. Renegade states were forced to follow the constitution. The result was in most part satisfactory for reasonable citizens. Electing a black president some 50 years after paratrooper bayonet charges in Mississippi will be one of the most significant moral victories of this century, a signpost for US majorities of colour within 20-25 years.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/20/14 05:14 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ken and Jim: Asians are relative newcomers, many taking refuge during and after the Americans lost 55,000 men and women protecting colonialism in Vietnam. US blacks were the white man's beasts of burden, segregated without the vote, for more than 200 years.

It's a curse the country will bear, just as Vietnam's scar remains. Black lives improved at the point of federal bayonets enforcing their constitutional rights. Nothing was given to blacks willingly. Remember Washington, Detroit and Los Angeles burning? Were they terrorists or freedom fighters?

The US is the better for it.

All completely irrelevant in the context of Individual Freedom and Equality. You cannot rationalize perpetration of a current infliction by a past infliction on others. That is merely a change of slave masters. It is also, in this case, the the dogma of the "Black Liberation" sub-cult of sociopathic religious statism.

All groups have been oppressed at some time, it is your sociopathic dogma and cult creation that balkanizes groups into sociopathic victim cults that are entitled to other people's freedom. Your Statist/Marxist dogma is what is preventing America from becoming a truely "Free and Equal" society.
Posted By: canvasback Re: More Dirt From The Leftest Crowd - 08/21/14 02:10 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
"Thus, they believe they have legitimate grievances even if those grievances have been self administered."

The United States exhibited to the world egregious and unconstitutional policies toward blacks until at least 50 years ago, within memory of most here.

Blacks have legitimate grievances, as would you and I under similar circumstances. How were those grievances self-administered?

King, like natives here in Canada, large portions of the black community, despite being born less than 50 years ago, revel in the culture of victim hood. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and their ilk have cultivated it for most of my adult life and I'm 56.

A rejection of the objective of the help offered, to join modern society as productive members, and instead, an insistence on an alternative cultural narrative that glorifies victim hood and encourages cultural norms and language that are destructive to human dignity.
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