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Posted By: Thaine Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/02/17 08:58 PM
OK, time to quiz the collective knowledge. Does anyone know anything about a gunsmith named Risley Holmes or Shop that might be a pairing of Risley & Holmes? So far the only ones I have found were from the early 1800's. This 1903 is the product of his/their work. It is even nicer looking in the hand. That, other than caliber and Dahl (brand) on the front sight are the only marks on the rifle and stock. Thanks in advance.

edited to ad: I let the cart get before the horse. A search through the site brings up M.S. Risley and a John E. Holmes and Morgan Holmes. Unfortunately the Photobucket worm ate the pictures of any referenced works. If anyone can post or provide me photos of their work, I would appreciate it.
Posted By: DanLH Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/03/17 03:36 AM
M S Risley did metal work for Bob Owens, see page 65 of Petrov Book 1. I have a rifle that Risley made after the war, not sure who did the stock. I'm trying to think where I have that rifle, it's not in the safe.
Posted By: Thaine Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/03/17 03:55 AM
Thanks. I saw that and have looked at the Owen pictures I can find. I just can't tell. One thing for certain, it has the straight staff Lyman inlet into the rear bridge of the receiver. I will try to get some pictures up in the next day or two so everyone can see.

BTW Info for all, if you google a subject such as "Owen 1903" and go to google images many of the Photobucket pictures are visible as long as you don't go to the page.
Posted By: William Lowe Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/03/17 11:49 AM
In my Bourne Auction catalog for the 1980 sale of the 141 lots of the M.S. Riley collection, there is a short bio written by H.J.Swinney and a nice photo of Risley in his workshop ..."The Risley family has retained six guns of family significance" from the auction. (Most of his collection was comprised of high quality percussion guns and accessories. ) Unfortunately there is only one image of each of the handful of bolt action rifles "made and marked by M.S. Risley" that might be of interest to you in this catalog. Swinney states that , "Mr Risley did the barrel work and chambering on most early Owen rifles."
Posted By: eightbore Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/03/17 01:49 PM
In my haste to lessen the burden of moving, I have thrown away probably a ton of paper. Luckily, I decided to hold on to my auction catalog collection.
Posted By: Thaine Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/03/17 08:13 PM
eightbore, tried to PM you, but your box is full. Please PM or email me (in my public profile).
Posted By: PhysDoc Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/08/17 04:11 AM
Dan asked me to post some pictures of his Risley 1903.
Here they are the first group of pictures

Posted By: PhysDoc Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/08/17 04:14 AM
Here is the second group

Posted By: Thaine Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/08/17 05:25 AM
PhysDoc & Dan
Thanks. I will try to get pictures up of mine in the next couple of days. Eightbore sent me the relevant pages from the Bourne catalog and my stock is a twin to the two listed as done by John Holmes. I find it interesting in that he seems to copy many features and the style of Bob Owen.

Now questions about Dan's rifle. Do my eyes deceive me or is the rear of the cheek piece off the stock? Do you know who the stock maker was? Nice rifle.

Thanks again

Edited to add: My apologies,it was William Lowe who sent me the information. Not Eightbore. Thanks again Bill and my bad, shows what happens when I stay up past my bed time.
Posted By: DanLH Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/09/17 03:35 AM
No the wood is all attached, it is just a funny reflection. I don't know if Risley made the stock or not and if he didn't I don't know who did but it's most likely post war work. It has Jaeger swivels on the sling which isn't pictured, a Niedner BP and horn forend and PG cap.
Posted By: eightbore Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/09/17 01:10 PM
Thaine, someone other than I sent the catalog pages of the Risley auction. My catalogs are boxed up in anticipation of moving. I'm glad you were able to get the copies.
Posted By: Thaine Re: Risley Holmes 1903 - 08/09/17 10:09 PM

Thanks for pointing out my error. It was William Lowe who sent me the information and my apologies to him for screwing that up. Those pictures leave little doubt as to who my stock maker was IMO. Thanks again Bill.

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