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Posted By: Bill Graham Seeking checkering tool recommendations - 03/12/19 04:50 PM
Time to invest in checkering tools. Likely doesn't matter, but if it somehow makes a difference, I have two checkering objectives:

Firstly to point up existing checkering on doubles. Secondly, I am required in school to build two rifles from an action, which will be stocked from blanks, and checkered at the end.

What would you recommend, and why?

Thank you.
Why not a Springfield '03?...Geo

Reading comprehension problem; thought you were asking for a rifle recommendation.
Posted By: Mark II Re: Seeking checkering tool recommendations - 03/12/19 05:47 PM
To start, until you decide if you really want to checker, Dembart and Gunline stuff is ok. If you are doing much the Ullman carbide tools are great as are Steve Earle's cutters. I don't use a power tool ( I get in trouble fast enough with hand tools) so no recommendation there.
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Why not a Springfield '03?...Geo

Reading comprehension problem; thought you were asking for a rifle recommendation.

Well, since one of the rifles I have to build could be a 1903, you’re actually quite with it, Geo. Most build a Mauser and a Rem 700. I’ll build from whatever actions I find at the time, and can afford.
Posted By: james-l Re: Seeking checkering tool recommendations - 03/12/19 05:53 PM
Check out Brownells, I have always used Dembart because that's what I started out with, probably others that are just as good. You might save some money on ebay. You will need to do some modifications to save your finger on the tool shaft.
Originally Posted By: Mark II
I don't use a power tool ( I get in trouble fast enough with hand tools) so no recommendation there.

I’m aware of Jon Hosford’s power checkering tool, but like you, I would get into trouble as well.
Posted By: mark Re: Seeking checkering tool recommendations - 03/12/19 06:32 PM
I like Steve Earles cutters and full view handles . These are like the W.E. Brownell tools but better quality.
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