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Posted By: OldMaineWoodsman Upstate New York report........... - 10/24/07 11:23 AM

I'm planning my annual trip home to duck and goose hunt in the Western New York area. I have already put it off once due to the warm weather.

Any reports on ducks and geese? I'm looking at coming up the second week of November. Plan B is to partridge hunt in Central Square if the weather is still too warm. Thanks for any word.

Kind regards,
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Upstate New York report........... - 10/24/07 11:42 AM
Good luck.

Don't drink the wAter around BuffalO.
Posted By: cherry bomb Re: Upstate New York report........... - 10/24/07 12:09 PM
"Plan B is to partridge hunt in Central Square if the weather is still too warm."

Reminds me of my 1st. upland hunt in NY, many moons ago. We were driving along and saw a nice cover. Stopped to ask the farmer if we could hunt grouse. The farmer said yes, we can hunt "but not too many grouse around here, lots of partridges though".

Sorry I can't give you a personal waterfowl report. A few buddies have been out for grouse, good reports in general, although still many leaves on and the weather is so warm.
Posted By: Craig Larter Re: Upstate New York report........... - 10/24/07 01:29 PM
Yesterday was the opener in Western, NY. We had a drought and the marshes are dry or very low. My marsh in the Montezuma area is down 2 feet making impossible to get to most of our traditional spots. The duck hunting is VERY HARD! Fewer ducks than normal around in our area. Had a good opening given the conditions, The best thing about yesterday is we received 1.18" of rain! Hopefully the water conditions will start to return to normal and we can save our season. The cold front last night pushed in some woodcock, I flushed a few this morning while out with the labs.
Posted By: Crowley Re: Upstate New York report........... - 10/24/07 11:12 PM
I once lived on Elderberry Lane near Central Square. I shot grouse and woodcock behind my house with my dog Koko.

CSMC is in the process of making a "21" for me and on the rib the inscription will read "IN MEMORY OF KOKO"

I have not been there in twenty years but I`ll bet the birds are still there.

Dan Crowley
Gentleman, thanks for the input. I'll be heading up 2nd week of November.


Nice touch on your Model 21. The birds are still in Central Square, but you would not recognize it today. Much sprawl. I hunt over off of Smith Road, near Toad Harbor.

Kind regards,
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