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Posted By: Chuck H Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/03/18 12:33 AM
My tiny Ferlib 410 came to me a couple years ago with a soft front trigger pull. Too light.

Also, it consistently shot high for me. I looked at the comb height and thought about stock bending for the past couple years. But I think I would have been looking at the back of the receiver if I bent it. So I checked the barrels for straightness as I have seen some swayed up barrels before. There was a bit, just a tiny bit of up sway in them. I decided to bend/unbend them last week and did so in a big 8 ft hydraulic pressbrake. It took a lot of sneaking up on the amount of bend to get them where I had guessed would work or improve POI for me. Today, I shot it at the plate a good number of shots. It now shoots where I point it. I shot 3 boxes at mostly going away clays today. I'm pleased.

So this afternoon, I decided to tackle the sear issue. I stripped the gun down and found the sear had a slightly damaged corner. A setup in my surface grinder vise and some india stoning got it squared up again. Of course, cleaned and lubed while I was in there. Tested it and it's good to go again. Strange...the automatic safety no longer engages by itself. cool

I still need to reblue the barrels and refinish the stock.

Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/03/18 12:42 AM
Thanks, Chuck. As Hannibal Smith was wont to say "I love it when a plan comes together".

Dog seems less than interested, but I'll bet when you head out the door with it he will perk up.

Pretty gun. If they don't shoot where you look they ain't worth having, IMO. Make 'em right or move them on.

Posted By: bushveld Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/03/18 01:14 AM
"If they don't shoot where you look they ain't worth having, IMO. Make 'em right or move them on." Per Stan

You said a mouth full, Alfalfa.
Posted By: Karl Graebner Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/03/18 01:21 AM
Nice job making that good looking gun to "see things your way". Glad it shoots good for you, great job.
Posted By: KY Jon Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/03/18 02:00 PM
All that gun work seems to have worn your dog out. She looks to be s fine family member who I’m sure will perk up if you head towards the door with any guncase in hand. I had a Chessie as a boy who seemed to not care about anything but head out with a shotgun and he became glue to you. You talk about focused like a laser. He was a retrieving machine who could handle ice like no other dog I’ve had. I miss him. A good dog will spoil you for all those dogs who follow.
Posted By: Ian Nixon Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/03/18 02:12 PM
CH - thanks for a very fine and interesting post.
Have always enjoyed yer work and commentary, and look forward to more.
Posted By: RARiddell Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/04/18 10:38 AM
Love that hunters thumb on your dogs head, one hell of a hunter?
Posted By: Chuck H Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/04/18 07:33 PM
Originally Posted By: RARiddell
Love that hunters thumb on your dogs head, one hell of a hunter?

I picked up Chex from some friends last December. He's a big boy at near 70 lbs now an looks like muscles are popping out all over. He can really move when he gets a mind to. But generally he's not the big ranging type and hangs close. He's as gentle as any dog I've been around and will play with any person or dog. He does have a good nose and a hugely strong retrieve with a mouth you'd trust to carry a baby chick.
Posted By: prairie ghost Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/04/18 11:18 PM
Since nobody asked I will. Do you actually use the Craftsman screwdrivers and do they fit the screw slots. Great little gun.
Posted By: KY Jon Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/05/18 12:04 AM
Craftsman screwdrivers are fine if you reshape them. Good steel and reasonable cost.
Posted By: prairie ghost Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/05/18 02:33 AM
Good to know, may save me some money.
Posted By: Chuck H Re: Spring Cleaning - Late - 09/05/18 04:01 AM
The drivers were ground to those super thin slots on that Italian spaghetti slinger. It's what I had that I knew wasn't brittle like the bits in my Brownell set. But yes, I suppose having those in the picture was deserving of an observation.
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