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Posted By: HomelessjOe Fake News - 06/10/17 11:29 AM
You guys see where CNN filmed a flat out fake news story in was all staged and made to look like a bunch of angry Muslims protesting against islamic terror.

CNN should be have their licensing taken away and ran out of England.
Posted By: treblig1958 Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 11:41 AM
Why stop at CNN? Include in that group of liars and Hillary supports, well, I'm being redundant, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and all the rest of what is considered liberal mainstream media.
Posted By: rocky mtn bill Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 12:04 PM
If you Google CNN Fake Muslim demonstration, you'll see that Joe's claim is just silly. Of course, you also have to have a mind not taken over by alternative facts. Folks who reflexively reject the " liberal" mainstream media and then swallow whole what they hear on FOX News and talk radio might as well put their eyes out. The bias in network news is mild; in FOX it's nothing but bias. Not sure why I bother with this except that promoting a lie is a blow against common sense and decency.
Posted By: treblig1958 Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 12:21 PM
Its a smoke screen by Hillary's propaganda machine so they don't have to concentrate or report on the actual crime and criminal, Hillary.

Anyone with half a brain can figure that out!!
Posted By: LeFusil Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 12:58 PM
Ya Ferguson, you tell him. It's perfectly normal and standard operating procedure for a news crew to stumble upon a protest, riot, accident, or any other news scene and to then begin to direct the scene, make sure everybody is in the right spots when they start rolling camera. . That just screams spontaneity and genuineness doesn't it. You dork.
Posted By: keith Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 01:02 PM
rocky mtn bill, staunch supporter of extreme anti-gun Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, is predictably denouncing Fox News and supporting CNN, the Clinton News Network.

What Fox News reported about this Fake News staged Muslim demonstration was simply the actual cell phone video of CNN reporters directing the demonstrators where to stand and how to hold their protest signs. CNN of course, denies this, and says they were merely filming what was already happening and simply moving the protesters to where they could be filmed.

Sorry Bill, people with brains don't believe this crap. Real News is filmed just as it happens. Fake News is directed and scripted.

According to rocky mtn bill, we're not supposed to believe what we actually see with our own two eyes anymore. And if you listen to FUDD's like rocky mtn bill, we should support and defend the Liberal Left Democrats who work very hard to infringe upon the constitutional gun rights of law abiding citizens.

Edit: Tom C, who supports rocky mtn bill below, is another Liberal Democrat who recently announced that he was going to use the IGNORE function on anyone who uses the term "Libertard". Pretty obvious where his sentiments are.
Posted By: Tom C Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 01:05 PM
Bill - I agee with you 100%. This is happening on both sides of the fence and if people can't see that, they either have liberal or conservative blinders on. They are unable to tell right from wrong, good from bad. Our history is filled with groups of people that follow and believe regardless of fact.
Posted By: rocky mtn bill Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 02:39 PM
Tom, Thanks, and yes so-called liberals can be liars too. I fail to see what Clinton has to do with this discussion. I didn't bring her up, nor did I defend CNN. I just pointed out that the story and the demonstration were factual, Keith notwithstanding. Joe's views of Muslims have been widely displayed here. I just returned from the hometown on the day of the funeral of one of the men who was killed in Portland for standing up to the bully harassing Muslim women on a public bus. People capable of that behavior can be motivated by the kinds of prejudice promoted by right wing fanatics.
Posted By: craigd Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 03:15 PM
Originally Posted By: Tom C
Bill - I agee with you 100%. This is happening on both sides of the fence and if people can't see that, they either have liberal or conservative blinders on....

Okay, it 'is' happening. Can you identify any conservative tv news networks in the UK or the US the have been caught staging an event, then reporting it as news? Asked in the context of discussion beyond blinders.
Posted By: craigd Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 03:21 PM
Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
...I just returned from the hometown on the day of the funeral of one of the men who was killed in Portland for standing up to the bully harassing Muslim women on a public bus. People capable of that behavior can be motivated by the kinds of prejudice promoted by right wing fanatics.

In the context of this 'discussion', are you saying that the funeral was staged? Or, is it possible that some blinders think they're always correct, and all other positions have to be measured from that feeling?
Posted By: King Brown Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 03:36 PM
However we look at the discussion, it's disheartening for everyone but Putin to see the world's only superpower at war with itself.
Posted By: ROMAC Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 03:38 PM
Bill, the Portland stabber was a dyed in the wool Bernie supporter. In this case hate was in the heart of and promoted by the left wing fanatic.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 03:45 PM
Noted at Harvard, hardly a bastion of conservative thinking:

What I simply can't believe is that there are people who can't see this without a report from Harvard, telling them it is so.

And, these same people own guns and post on a double gun board.

Creepy, no?

Posted By: RARiddell Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 03:48 PM
What a moronic fool, always a right wing fanatic! Funny how there's more hate, ignorance and violence coming from those who say they are fighting it! Must be the president of the Chris Matthews fan club! Watch out for that leg tingle!
Posted By: rocky mtn bill Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 04:24 PM
ROMAC, He's a known white supremacist. He must surely be the only one of those to support Bernie. But then, Bernie did have wide support. He was hardly someone to incite violence however.
Posted By: Wonko the Sane Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 04:56 PM
Alternative facts and fake news are my favorites. They are so much more satisfying for the intended audiences. I mean why put up with irritating truth when a comforting lie is close to hand. And it can make a narcissistic pathological liar like the Orange Clown continuously attractive to his deluded base! What's not to like about that?!?!
Posted By: craigd Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 05:02 PM
Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....He's a known white supremacist....

Where'd you get that from? Is the investigation over, or did cnn tell you that the northwest is hiding a deep dark racist past? I believe Fox News has said that up to two or three days ago, the nut job criminal has not been charged with a hate crime.

I haven't been following it, but I hope you'll join me in hoping that the two female 'victims' that could have told their defenders that they didn't need defending because, even if uncomfortable, they respected freedom of speech? Maybe they can lead the call for tolerance and inclusion, because deescalation may be the best path for a situation? At least, I hope we're not thinking that tragedies have more political than human value.
Posted By: craigd Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 05:15 PM
Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane can make a narcissistic pathological liar like the Orange Clown continuously attractive to his deluded base! What's not to like about that?!?!

What if's? I can see how a clownette would've brought comfort, like crayons or legos, to some. Give me an orange crayon, and I promise to take good care of it and put it away with its rainbow of friends crayons after I finish my happy face drawing, that I'm going to send into the Fox News kids contest for future narcissists of the coasts.
Posted By: Grouse Guy Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 05:18 PM
When are more of the stubborn minority of Americans going to notice that most of Trump's most outrageous statements are first-strike exercises in hypocrisy? You are already down to ~35%.

Trump originated the common vernacular of "fake news" when he was aware that the Russians were propagating same on his behalf. A federal judge born in the U.S. is declared a "Mexican" in advance of the deportation case Trump will soon be on the wrong side of history on. James Comey is pronounced a "liar" a few days before Trump needs to lie about the same facts. Even Marco Rubio became "little Marco" when Trump finally noticed people were noticing his small hands.

Rocky Mtn Bill is right-as-rain on this one. He only mistake today was sticking himself to the Tar Baby Homeless Joe. Over 'n out. GG
Posted By: Wonko the Sane Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 05:20 PM
I tend to think that the statements that the accused gentleman made in open court and shown unedited on several outlets seem to support the white supremacist thing without any in depth investigation. Or was that a different accused stabber?
Posted By: craigd Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 05:49 PM
Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane
I tend to think that the statements that the accused gentleman made in open court and shown unedited on several outlets seem to support the white supremacist thing without any in depth investigation. Or was that a different accused stabber?

I tend to think that Bill from up in the Rocky Mountains was beating some drum beat about facts, not extrapolation and armchair quarterbacking. Or, was that some other game we were watching?
Posted By: KY Jon Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 07:55 PM
Fake news has been on going trend by mainstream media for decades. Few remember NBC news show Dateline got caught with their fake Chevy truck gas tank fire. For those who don't here is what happened. They over filled the gas tank, put a wrong gas cap on it and did not tighten it down, then placed model rocket engines under the gas tank set to go off on impact. They claimed the impact caused a small puncture of the tank. It did not as was proved later upon close examination and confirmed by both pressure test and xray examination.

Or if your rather look at ABC they were reporting all Ford were going to blow up in rear end collisions. Or CBS which got caught faking CJ Jeep roll overs on highway test. Their method was to turn the wheel by robot about twice the maximum rate a human could while increasing the acceleration while try to avoid an obstruction in the road. When forced to admit they doctored the test they fell back on their results but failed to mention they got eight roll overs in 435 test doing things which a human drive could not do. Plus it only happen after repeated attempt wore the tread off the tire. 60 Minute's in 1986 attack on the Audi 5000 being a demon controlled car which has been totally debunked. Few remember the burning of all the black churches in the South during the Clinton years. Never happened.

Networks twist fact to suit the story they are trying to tell not report facts and let the viewers decide. Every get tired of homeless stories when a Republican is in the White House? Funny they stop the very day a Democrat get in there. The mainstream media is made up almost entirely of Liberals who all feel they know more than the rest of the World and feel that they can do what ever they must in their cause to reshape the World. They have no moral compass and will lie when it suits and convince themselves they are right to do so. Fox news decides it must be a counter weight but at least they do bring on liberals to give a second side of the story sometimes the rest never do. Oh they bring on another Liberal claiming to be a moderate and by the end of the segment they have been converted to the liberal viewpoint. What a miracle.

The reason viewership of mainstream new is down is that they have all gotten caught too often faking, shading and lying to be trusted. Most people who watch news now go to a network which tends to tell stories that they want to hear and that agree with their viewpoint.
Posted By: keith Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 08:21 PM
This is enlightening for anyone who pays just a little bit of attention to what gets posted here on a double gun forum.

First we have rocky mtn bill Ferguson, an avowed Liberal Left Democrat and staunch supporter of anti-gun Democrat politicians:

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Interesting to see the enthusiasm for McCain's running mate. To take a somewhat contrarian view, I think she'll help insure an Obama win, and so the choice is fine with me. I'll always be happy to take advice about double guns on this forum' but maybe not politics.

One Thread Bill started in the old Misfires forum was entitled "Republican's Incompetence Caucus". In it, he returned to his Republican bashing ways several months after putting his tail between his legs and hiding after getting busted for posting some outright lies about George Bush's funding for teacher training for No Child Left Behind. Bill often says he has no interest in bringing politics into this forum, but then he does it again and again. Bill has been caught red handed in numerous lies in defense of his precious Democrat anti-gunners. I wonder why he doesn't like me???

Then we have Tom C jumping in to defend Bill's latest Liberal Left propaganda. Tom recently announced his own support for Liberalism, and disdain for the political party that actually defends our gun rights.

Then we got a brief statement from the site's official anti-gun Liberal left troll, King Brown, who recently made this extremely misleading statement about his political leanings:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Hey, James, Gerald Butts is a Bay Boy, assigned by Trudeau to button-down Bannon. Good choice, don't you think? And I'm no Liberal.

King, of course, was stating that he does not belong to Canada's Liberal Party, knowing and having been quite open about being Left of normal wacko Liberalism. King is well known for his own staunch support for Liberal left anti-gun politicians. King actually supported Lyin' Brian Williams when he got fired from NBC for dishonest journalism, so no shock to see him jump in here. Here he is fawning over Obama again, and lying about Barack Obama's anti-gun legislative activities:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

Then we have more brainless commentary from Dr. Wanker, who spent the election cycle bashing Donald Trump, and continues today by using the unflattering description of Trump used by the 25 year old female NSA classified document leaker. And who could forget this Liberal left clown posting his link to photos of Melania Trump from her modeling days in an attempt to denigrate her? I'd guess the Wanker is keeping his semi-nude photos of Hillary all to himself.

Then we have Rocky mtn Bill's fellow Montana Liberal, GrouseGuy, aka Ben Deeble, the devout anti-lead ammunition advocate. Ben, a stand-up guy and real sportsman who himself got busted for poaching a deer out of season on posted land, is well known here for posting dozens of links to junk and fake science to support his anti-lead agenda. In January of this year in the "Lead ammo Ban" Thread, Ben posted a link in his post # 470911 that was absolutely false, and just goes to prove that Grouse Guy Ben(the deer poacher) Deeble doesn't even read the anti-lead crap he dumps here.

Good to know who you're dealing with when you see who is attempting to defend the same Liberal Left media that strives to undermine our 2nd Amendment. Of course, for many here, telling the truth just ain't civil and mannerly... but being deceptive is.

Posted By: canvasback Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 09:02 PM
Man it was getting a little boring around here, what with all the threads about double guns. Then jOe starts a great thread (can't believe I'm saying that) about some truly fake news "under production" and we are off and running.

Let's hear some more from the liberal guys about what a crock it is that CNN was making it up. I want to see this thread get to about 100 posts before Dave decides enough is enough.

BTW, The above may sound like I'm being sarcastic.....but I'm not.

edit to add: Keith, if you haven't already take a bit of time and research Gerald Butts and Katie Telford. I'd call them Trudeau's brain trust but really, they're his trust needed. They are the ones who have completed screwed up Ontario's economy and having made a mess of Ontario, have sets their sights on really ruining Canada as Trudeau's puppet master.
Posted By: JBG Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 09:19 PM
The reason it's fake news is CNN represents that they are reporting on a demonstration.

Unfortunately for them, someone captures that they are directing the story not reporting it.

Once you cross the line and begin to direct the news you are no longer a news organization but a propaganda machine.
Posted By: rocky mtn bill Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 10:09 PM
If Keith still thinks Sarah Palin was a good idea, he's welcome to his opinion. It speaks tons about his own rationality. Trump is a bigger embarrassment yet. We have a President who doesn't
know anything about governance. He has bad press for one reason only; there is nothing positive to be said in his behalf. Thank God we have a press that can't be bent to his defense.
Posted By: keith Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 10:27 PM
Where did I say Sarah Palin was a good idea Bill? I will say she was far better than the Liberal left anti-gun alternative you voted for.

You call Trump an embarrassment, yet the economy and the stock market are doing much better than it was after less than four months in office. Obama's greatest accomplishment and signature legislation, ObamaCare, is imploding as was predicted by anyone who took the time to look at the many failures of Socialism worldwide. His crimes such as Fast and Furious, and Hillary's crimes such as storing secrets on a private server and destruction of evidence under Congressional subpeona are ignored by the same press that feels the need to manufacture fake news about Trump. By and large, we have a press that is doing all it can to undermine him and denigrate him... including manufacturing Fake News.

Little wonder you approve of their dishonesty Bill. You have so much in common with them.
Posted By: craigd Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 10:54 PM
Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Thank God we have a press that can't be bent to his defense.

Can you honestly say that you thank God because we have a press that's bent to 'her' defense? What kind of 'news' would you suppose comes from a press that's bent in only one direction?
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 11:14 PM
Originally Posted By: JBG
The reason it's fake news is CNN represents that they are reporting on a demonstration.

Unfortunately for them, someone captures that they are directing the story not reporting it.

Once you cross the line and begin to direct the news you are no longer a news organization but a propaganda machine.

You have to look at CNN's motive....

Trying to give the public the impression that Muslims are against terrorism while nothing could be farther from the truth. The Muslim religion is nothing but a terrorist organization.

Simple fact is the Islamic faith does not believe in freedom of religion....convert or die.

Posted By: Grouse Guy Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 11:51 PM
Sound more like Mormons, that conscript you into their heaven even AFTER you die!

Uh oh... Tar Baby!
Posted By: 2-piper Re: Fake News - 06/10/17 11:53 PM
Both Muhammad & Jesus are descendants of Abraham. However Muhammad is descended from Ishmael through Hagar the Handmaiden, While Jesus is descended from Isaac through sarai/Sarah the Wife. The Bible leaves no doubt to the fact the Savior of the World would be born through the seed of Abraham, through Sarah, not through Hagar. Jesus was miraculously conceived through the Holy Spirit, Muhammad was but a man & is long dead. Jesus was resurrected & is sitting at the right hand of GOD. To try to make Muhammad an equal of Jesus is total Blasphemy.
You don't have to believe any of this "Now" if you choose not to, but I'll tell you one thing Brother, You Will, You Will.
Posted By: treblig1958 Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 12:05 AM
His popularity is down to 35%? Keep dreaming Hillary supporters because you are going to lose again in 2018 and 2020.
Posted By: lonesome roads Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 12:14 AM
Fake news, religion, and politics. What could possibly go wrong? Throw in a couple gallons of "potato vodka" and Irish whiskey and it's called Thanksgiving dinner at my house.

Is Ronnie's guitar even plugged in?
Posted By: rocky mtn bill Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 12:20 AM
Keith,Obamacare imploding is what Republicans have been saying since the day it was passed. It wasn't true then and it isn't true now. It has its flaws, but it is far better than what people had before. The Stupidity Caucus made a joke of its replacement in the House. McConnell is poised to screw it up in the Senate. Why does treblig keep bringing up Clinton? She lost. She's not running again.Nobody is arguing in her favor. A prediction: Trump won't make it through this term. He's incompetent.He lies when his lips move. He was smart enough to get elected, but he isn't smart enough to run our country. He's turned his back on the working people who elected him. All he cares about is himself.
Posted By: treblig1958 Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 12:27 AM
Keep dreaming liberal that your hero Pelosi will come through for you. Don't make the same mistake you made voting for that crook Hillary, better wake up and smell the coffee because he's not going anywhere.
Posted By: Grouse Guy Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 12:38 AM

Originally Posted By: lonesome roads
Fake news, religion, and politics. What could possibly go wrong? Throw in a couple gallons of "potato vodka" and Irish whiskey and it's called Thanksgiving dinner at my house.

Is Ronnie's guitar even plugged in?
Posted By: craigd Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 01:00 AM
Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Obamacare imploding is what Republicans have been saying since the day it was passed. It wasn't true then and it isn't true now. It has its flaws, but it is far better than what people had before. The Stupidity Caucus made a joke of its replacement....

....A prediction: Trump won't make it through this term....

Awe, c'mon Bill, you can do better than that.

You can look up up how many hundreds of changes your guy husane made to ocare, insulated from question due the color of his skin and the content of his character. You know, the same ocare that gruber said husane forced down the throats of working poor because of their stupidity.

Can't you look up, objectively, how many ins. carriers have left the exchanges, leaving thousands of ocare disciples with the rug pulled out from under them.

You are not lucky because you can belittle our current President and dig into your wallet to make the last one wealthy beyond his wildest dreams on the whiner circuit. I think you're lucky because the current President is preserving the America that, I think, has done so much for you and yours. Are you moving to Canada for the great healthcare and leadership that makes you feel better?

Safer prediction. Hill's new political pac goes the same way as her other money laundering schemes. You gonna donate now that she doesn't have the clout to sell off billions worth of US uranium to put'n for her-n-jeferson clintn's greed?
Posted By: rocky mtn bill Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 01:53 AM
I'm not belittling Trump. I'm describing him as he is- venal, self-absorbed, ignorant, impulsive, greedy, mendacious. The America I value is being undone by this miscreant. He makes George W seem like a hero. Hillary again? You need to move toward recovery. She's not news. Nobody is promoting her. As for Putin, he's your guy's buddy and, like you, he did all he could to elect him. Putin feared Clinton and chose your guy instead. Watch in wonder as the Russian chickens come home to roost.
Posted By: treblig1958 Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 02:10 AM
Wow a liberal regurgitating their fairytales from fantasyland about Russian interference. I guess you have to come up with some excuse regardless of how hair brained it is to justify why the biggest crook in history of politics lost an election.

Since your Russian theory has been debunked maybe your propaganda machine sometimes referred to as the mainstream media will think of something else, I know, it was the Martians from outer space.

Maybe that will be Pocahontas' campaign slogan in 2020, 'The Russians are coming" or possibly, "The Martians are coming."
Posted By: craigd Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 02:33 AM
Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
I'm not belittling Trump. I'm describing him as he is- venal, self-absorbed, ignorant, impulsive, greedy, mendacious. The America I value is being undone by this miscreant....

Thanks for trying to cheer me up. Don't you appreciate that he appointed and fought your dems to seat a fellow Montanan to preserve not only your precious public lands, but access for the responsible hunter and his heirs to the tradition?

Don't forget, when a dem tries to tell you that you aren't smart enough to own or use a firearm, our man in orange has seated a Supreme Court Justice that will tip the balance in your favor. Did I ever tell you about the time that he tweeted something that you didn't feel like liking, but he's turned out right, every time, so far?
Posted By: lonesome roads Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 04:43 AM
That's the Democratic Party for ya!

Boy, have times changed.

Our parents had more. Douglas Coupland (reprise)
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 10:47 AM
Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
I'm not belittling Trump. I'm describing him as he is- venal, self-absorbed, ignorant, impulsive, greedy, mendacious. The America I value is being undone by this miscreant. He makes George W seem like a hero. Hillary again? You need to move toward recovery. She's not news. Nobody is promoting her. As for Putin, he's your guy's buddy and, like you, he did all he could to elect him. Putin feared Clinton and chose your guy instead. Watch in wonder as the Russian chickens come home to roost.

This post proves you have some kind of severe brain damage....let me guess did you sniff glue when you were a child ?
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 11:52 AM
Originally Posted By: 2-piper
Both Muhammad & Jesus are descendants of Abraham. However Muhammad is descended from Ishmael through Hagar the Handmaiden, While Jesus is descended from Isaac through sarai/Sarah the Wife. The Bible leaves no doubt to the fact the Savior of the World would be born through the seed of Abraham, through Sarah, not through Hagar. Jesus was miraculously conceived through the Holy Spirit, Muhammad was but a man & is long dead. Jesus was resurrected & is sitting at the right hand of GOD. To try to make Muhammad an equal of Jesus is total Blasphemy.
You don't have to believe any of this "Now" if you choose not to, but I'll tell you one thing Brother, You Will, You Will.

Very well said, and the unvarnished truth. "Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord".

Isaiah 45:23
Romans 14:11
Revelation 5:13

Have a blessed Lord's Day.

Posted By: Ken61 Re: Fake News - 06/11/17 11:56 AM
To think that Putin would prefer Trump over Clinton is absurd, this "Russia Connection" was dreamed up by Podesta and Mook within 48 hours after Clinton's loss. Putin wants a weak America, just like we had with Obama.

What this is, is a psycho-political demonization narrative, following Soviet doctrine that was taught to the Democrats during the Cold War. It is another example of the "Big Lie" that always is promoted by a propaganda campaign. This doctrine, along with the other Soviet doctrines that rule the Democrat party are the real examples of Russian/Soviet interference in America.

What really happened is that the democrats attempted to promote the PP narrative of Clinton inevitability, Putin and the Russians bought into it, and then tried to weaken Clinton so she would have major political problems as president. Trump was totally unexpected. The Russians were caught by the very same propaganda trap that they themselves had taught to the democrats.

To think that some actually belives that the last eight years of Obama were positive for America shows how effective false narratives and propaganda can be.

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