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Posted By: keith Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 03:11 PM
To all of our Veterans... thank you for your service... and especially those who paid for our freedom with their lives. Let us never forget them and their sacrifices.
Posted By: lagopus Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 03:15 PM
Well said! Lagopus.....
Posted By: Drew Hause Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 03:19 PM
President Truman lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, 11/11/1947 on Armistice Day, which became Veterans Day in 1954. The tomb is inscribed with - "Here rests in honored glory An American Soldier Known but to God."

In 1926 Congress declared November 11 as the date to celebrate the anniversary of the end of World War I. In 1938 Congress passed an act that named the day "Armistice Day" and made it a legal holiday.
In 1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower acknowledged there had been two other conflicts since 1926 (World War II and the Korean War), and changed the name of the holiday to "Veterans Day". He called upon all American citizens to observe November 11 as Veterans Day and proclaimed: "On that day let us solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us re-consecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring peace so that their efforts shall not have been in vain."

Lambeau Field 2011

Posted By: craigd Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 03:59 PM
Thanks to our Veterans, and thank you for starting the topic.
Posted By: Der Ami Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 04:06 PM
As for me, and I'm sure many others feel the same way, It was my honor to serve my country.
Posted By: SamW Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 04:37 PM
DITTO to all of the above!!
Posted By: Karl Graebner Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 06:58 PM
As a vet, your wishes are much appreciated.
Posted By: KY Jon Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 07:29 PM
I was a peace time veteran and look at things a little differently. I am a small v veteran and reserve the big V for those who served in time of war. When I think about men going out, knowing that they were unlikely to come back and they did it to not let their fellow soldier, friends down, I feel humbled in my heart. My Father, Uncles, Gradfathers and a Great Uncles were combat Veterans and their action made our freedoms possible. I served, but their serving means I got the chance to serve. To all combat veterans thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless.
Posted By: Tom Bryant Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 07:32 PM
Thanks to all veterans and our active duty military.
Posted By: Der Ami Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 10:13 PM
KY Jon,
You did the same thing the rest of us did, you served our country and did what the country needed, at the time. I don't believe there are any small v veterans, they are the same.
Posted By: Hoof Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/11/16 11:45 PM
My good friend and neighbor is a vet and this morning, the same as the last few years, I met him with a handshake and a "thank you for your service." Then we loaded up my dog and went pheasant hunting.

A good time was had by all, well maybe not the birds.

Thanks to all who served.
Posted By: Jolly Bill Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/12/16 02:47 AM
Thank you sincerely for the thanks.

Jolly (in 1956)

Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/12/16 11:35 AM
Thanks for serving, "swabbie" nice to see the brooms stacked at "order arms" position- but where are the mops?? Thanks to all the brave men who paid the ultimate price for our precious freedoms we sometimes tend to take for granted. RWTF
Posted By: L. Brown Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/12/16 01:23 PM
Originally Posted By: Der Ami
As for me, and I'm sure many others feel the same way, It was my honor to serve my country.

Same here.

I usually celebrate it as I did yesterday, by going hunting. There were several years back in the 50's when the Iowa pheasant season opened on Nov 11--which was also my mother's birthday. (She was 10 when WWI ended.) But she never minded if we went hunting, as long as we came home with pheasants and/or rabbits. And when I go through 40+ years of hunting notes, I find that Nov 11 has often been a particularly good day in the field. Tougher day yesterday than most. But then we don't have the pheasant numbers we used to. Three of us managed to collect two roosters. All 3 carrying Brit doubles.
Posted By: GLS Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/12/16 02:14 PM
Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
Thanks for serving, "swabbie" nice to see the brooms stacked at "order arms" position- but where are the mops?? Thanks to all the brave men who paid the ultimate price for our precious freedoms we sometimes tend to take for granted. RWTF
Hate to correct you but those brooms are at "stack arms" not "order arms".
And Francis, I am surprised at your failure to take note and mention what happened at Tun Tavern, November 10, 1775. <g> Gil
Posted By: Jolly Bill Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/12/16 02:44 PM
Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
Thanks for serving, "swabbie" nice to see the brooms stacked at "order arms" position- but where are the mops?? Thanks to all the brave men who paid the ultimate price for our precious freedoms we sometimes tend to take for granted. RWTF


As GLS politely pointed out, the brooms are at "stack arms". I would just call them put in a rack.

And you'll notice the "mops" or, as we call them "swabs", are lying on the "deck" below the brooms. Those swabs are not in "stack arms" and I suppose, could very easily be washed over the side.
Thanks for your thanks Fox.
Posted By: Paul Harm Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/12/16 04:41 PM
I served in the Air Force in Twain in support of the boys in Naum. I to have deep respect for those who served "in country." Thanks to those that served and to those giving thanks. I believe all children should have to read Bill O'Riley's book Killing The Rising Sun. Then everyone would realize what sacrifices were made.
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Veterans Day-- Thank You! - 11/14/16 02:01 AM
Did I miss mentioning the USMC 241 Birthday- Tun's Tavern in Philadelphia, almost next door to Benny Franklin's Ye Olde Printing Shoppe-- if so, my bad. The USMC was formed to assist the Navy in killing the Limey sailors- the Marines hung in the rigging ropes and as sharpshooters par excellence, they used the Limey's crew as targets in the Revolutionary War- where we finally told King George The Mad to "piss up a rope" after Lord Cornwallis the Cornholer surrendered at Yorktown- and the USMC was there.. Semper Fi-- and thanks to all who served, regardless of in what Branch, or how they stashed the brooms and mops--
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