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Posted By: Wiz Brescia SxS 12Ga - 04/30/07 10:07 PM
Good morning Gentlemen,
Followed a link here based on advice received from the "Accurate Reloading" forums after seeking advice on my fathers old shotgun...

25 years after I bulged the barrel my father finally capitulated and gave me his old Brescia SxS shotgun. to cut a long story and a tanned backside short... I managed to get a wad stuck up the left barrel as a young and dumb 15yo and, you guessed it... Fired another behind it

The result is a left hand barrel with a circumferential bulge just in front of the forend. Over the years I always thought that if I managed to get the gun from him before he died that I would have it restored/repaired to present back to him in it's former glory. Given that my old man bought it at 17 years old it has a great deal of sentimental value rather than any intrinsic value (Not really sure what the guns worth in truth) I sent it to a gun shop here in Australia known for their work with shotguns. Quote came back at $3000.00 to replace both barrels and ribs! Apparently necessary because the barrels are brazed rather than soldered together.

Do any of you gents have any suggestions as to who to appraoch for further advice gunsmith wise? The 3000 dollar price tag seems rather excessive however, I am not au fait with shotguns by any means! Whilst I would love to have it done, the price tag on the barrels alone makes it prohibitive. A gunsmith in Australia would be nice however, sending it OS would not be impossible.

Your thoughts?
I get pictures of the gun and damage when I have it returned from the shop if necessary.

Posted By: Marc Stokeld Re: Brescia SxS 12Ga - 05/01/07 05:26 PM
Can't someone help Daniel? WHat is a reasonable price to have a bareel taken out of a monobloc and replaced? Is there any reason why the smith would have to change both barrels, or just the damaged one?

I thought the price to have both barrels replaced (~2500 USD) was reasonable. Any ideas what it would cost in the US, excluding any shipping, importing, or associated brokerage fees?

I suggested he ask here, and assured him he would get some help. Please help me get the egg off my face!
Posted By: Fred Re: Brescia SxS 12Ga - 05/01/07 08:34 PM
If it can be done I'd bet that Kirk Merrington knows how. He's an English-trained barrel expert, who moved years ago to Kerrville TX. I would speculate that an artist with a mill might save all but the bad barrel and ribs, but that's just a guess. Find out from:
Posted By: Wiz Re: Brescia SxS 12Ga - 05/03/07 12:53 PM
Thank you gentlemen
I have asked that the gun be sent back to me and will take some photos and get in touch with Mr Merrington as soon as I have some detailed info and photos for him.

Frankly, I dont know if the gun is worth it apart from the sentimental value...Google doesnt tell me much apart from the man who made it also owned the factory it seems (P.Lorenzotti) is engraved on the right barrel. Receiver is color case hardened and looks a treat.

Thank you both again.
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