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Posted By: gunny urethane finish remover - 04/13/07 05:45 PM
What is a good remover for the glassy urethane or epoxy finishes like on Brownings?
Posted By: JayCee Re: urethane finish remover - 04/13/07 05:46 PM
Have you tried acetone?

Posted By: Chuck H Re: urethane finish remover - 04/13/07 05:50 PM
IMO, most of the strippers available at common hardware stores have gotten weak over the years. The "15 minute" stripper at HomeD will do a Browning/Beretta plastic finish in about 3/4 of a day of messing with it and multiple applications.

But, if you're serious, you'll be more satisfied by going to an aircraft supply house like Aircraft Spruce and getting a stripper made for polys/epoxies. Besides, it's only 10 bucks compared to Brownell's 30 buck stripper.
Posted By: tudorturtle Re: urethane finish remover - 04/13/07 05:57 PM
Any of the serious methylene chloride based paint strippers will remove the epoxy coatings. IME it takes about 3-4 passes before a Browning epoxy finish is removed. Use gloves, the stripper will give you a chemical burn.

I did read a tip that I'll try the next time, which is to spread the stripping goop and then wrap the stock in aluminum foil and let it sit for 1/2 hour.
Posted By: rabbit Re: urethane finish remover - 04/13/07 09:55 PM
Just did a Lightning Trap because the stock had been razeed to a reverse comb and a bad job of feathering the old finish and applying new. Strippers will soften the stuff but won't "lift" it. Repeated application of laquer thinner with fine Scotchbrite pad eventually gets it.

Posted By: Bill Lehman Re: urethane finish remover - 04/13/07 11:59 PM
I accidently spilled some Brownells Wad Solvent on a polyurethane finish and it immediately ate through it.
Posted By: rmoon Re: urethane finish remover - 04/14/07 03:22 PM
I had to beg ACE Hardware to find me an Epoxy Stripper.It is:
Klean-Strip Premium Stripper,for Epoxy & Polyurethane in a spray can.
Be careful,I was wearing rubber gloves whenI felt a cool stinging sensation on my fingers and palms.That stuff penetrated the gloves.A cool water hand washing prevented irritation

.Methylene Chloride is bad stuff.

Now I will have to find latex,vinyl,neoprene or some space age prophylactic to protect my hands.I will try Formbys Furniture Refinisher gloves.
Experiment continues,
Posted By: Chuck H Re: urethane finish remover - 04/16/07 04:45 AM
Try Rutland Tool.
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