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Posted By: Emilio online appraisals for old doubble barrel guns - 02/22/07 12:58 PM
I'm trying to find some good checked appraisel companys (preffered from England) for old barrels that can give some informations by charge, considering pictures and written description by e-mail.
I'll appreciate any info about that subject.
to get a real appraisal the gun needs to be seen in person. Pictures hide way too many details. Appraisals for insurance reasons may be different. I know of no companies offering this service though.
I think you are looking for the impossible.
Are you looking for pricing, or are you looking for an opinion as to safe to shoot condition for a set of old barrels? Sorry, but I'm unclear on this question.
Thanks for answers and sorry for being maybe unclear with the question, but I have couple of old barrels, english ones, and I'm trying to find some market value of them. It's not for insurance, it's just I wanna know information how much is their value.
Once I've found the web page from some company from England with offer that you have to fill up informations they need for appraisal and also send a pictures of the piece, so that they can be more specific. I remember they also charge that service around 30 pounds. Maybe I'm trying to find impossible, but when you don't know information about, in my case that old english barrels, you don't know their value and also don't know for how much to offer them.
Post them for sale on Ebay with a reserve of far more than you think they are worth. The bids that come in will give you a very good idea of their market value. Then, you can relist them at a realistic price or keep them.
Emilio, do you have only the barrels or the whole guns? If only the barrels they are worth little because it's almost impossible to find a gun that they will fit.
I own whole guns. I'll post pictures tomorrow, so you can see what it's about.
Finally I posted the pictures, so everybody can see what it's about.
Thanks for directions.
No pictures here, where did you post them?? Never mind, I found them under a separate post.
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