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Posted By: tw Our friend Bill Wise is back in the hospital for - 02/20/07 04:21 AM
what we can hope turns out to be a breif stay.

Rosalie, Bill's wonderful bride, asked WTS to have me post a quick note to make his friends here aware. He went in first of last week for an infection issue that was better dealt with there than at home. After all he has been through, his immune system is still understandably challenged. Your prayers and positive thoughts are solicited and cards and letters as always are most welcome.

I figure most of you, ladies excepted, kept Skill's site up for 'the babe of the day' feature. That's where the Wise mailing addy is posted ..
My prayers are with Mr. Wise as always.
He is a tough one and I have high hopes for him.
I think prayer is also in order for Rosalie. This is most difficult for her as she cares for Bill; runs back and forth to the hospital, and not getting adequate rest herself in the midst of great concern for Bill's health. Pray for strength for this first class lady.
Plenty of Good Vibrations for you Bill & Rosalie...


Me and mine are praying for you with more vigor, and for your lady too.

Come home soon.


Greg Taggart
Prayers for our friend Bill! We want to see you posting here and waiting that day when "All Good" can be seen here again.
tw, thanks for letting us know! My best wishes and waves of prayers (and prayers for waves!) are on the way for Bill, Rosalie and family.
Bill, I see that Recoil Bob, has sent The Beach Boys' Good Vibrations your way. Perhaps just as, or more apropriate would be Dick Dale and the Deltones', King of the Surf Guitar. You ARE the king. Get well quickly and come "Hang Ten" again with us on this site.
Count on my prayers. I never hear a surfin' song these days without thinking of Bill. Saint Rosalie is understatement. And, "All Good" to you Bill, and family!!
Oh wow. I was hoping that he would be back with us again here by now. I hope he will recover soon. God Bless.
Thanks for posting. Good vibrations and other emanations always for the Wiseman.
He and Rosalie are always in our thoughts and prayers. Be strong Bill.
More Good Vibrations from the "other Downunder"!
As some above have said, Rosalie cannot be praised enough!

Get well soon Bill,

Been out of pocket for several weeks. Could find no info on Bill so I sent him an email a couple of weeks ago. Sorry he is not well but glad he is still here. He is a real bull dog, do not doubt his recovery. His bride is truly a Saint. All good. (Or soon will be.)
Get well soon Bill. Prayer works. I'll be praying for you.
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