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Posted By: lagopus British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/02/12 04:07 PM
Peter Wilson age 25 takes Olympic Gold at Double Trap with 198 x 200. Amazingly he actually missed a straight pair or else it would have been and unbeatable 200 x 200. Lagopus.....
Posted By: Mr W martin Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/02/12 04:33 PM
hello lagopus,
yes,wilson won gold for britain but i think you may have posted the wrong score.i watched the event and he missed considerably more than two.full congratulations to him nonetheless!
apologies if i am mistaken

Posted By: Oldfarmer Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/02/12 06:02 PM
Peter did a great job - nail biting stuff down to the last pair to win.
The 198/200 was his world record score in Arizon back in March. I think the score this afternoon was 188/200.
Peter shot brilliantly. Going into the last pair, he had 186, which matched the highest completed score. So, he could have missed both and tied. Of course, he smoked them. At the end, he dropped to his knees in joy and the incomparable Ian Coley, who has coached team Great Britain to many golds and records for decades went up to embrace him. Quite an emotional day all around.
Posted By: 2holer Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/02/12 07:17 PM
Congratulations to the Brits!! Of course he WAS shooting a SXS; right?..............after all.
Posted By: eightbore Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/02/12 08:17 PM
After years of shooting International Skeet and the occasional round of International Trap, when I see the doubles game shot, I can only think, "How do they do that?"
Posted By: rabbit Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/03/12 12:52 AM
My wife very impressed by the "truss" ribs.

Just finished watching Hancock go strait in the men's skeet final on the iPad ap that Dick Dupl 1 describes. Much easier than trying to find events on NBC; missing commentary of course. I did manage to work out no. of shots per station without actually consulting the rules. I was amazed to find that the "International" view of the difficulty of 7 is about the same as that held by most duffer shooters and the no. of shots reduced to the double. Doubles at 4 twice over? Perhaps a bit much! Yassar fromn Qatar definitely the nervous sort; constantly quivering. Lots of other odd things: blinders on one shooter; strange super tight-radius pistol grips and a "thumbhole" that looks like a thumbrest. Despite all these new things to me (I understand the stripe and the delay) I'd have to say that every shooter looked more or less orthodox to me with the exception of Rhode in the women's final.

Posted By: lagopus Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/03/12 12:16 PM
Sorry. Mr M, I just came in at the final moments and got confused on the score. He won and that's what mattered. Amazing that the Left Wing P.C. British Broadcasting Corporation actually televised the event! Good boost to shooting pity he missed the oportunity to say about the complete waste of money in building the shooting centre just to cost again to knock it all down and no 'Lasting Legacy' for the sport. Disgusting! Lagopus.....
Posted By: Fletchedpair Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/03/12 01:15 PM
Couldn't agree with you more lagopus, at last count 30 Million GBP for all shooting facilities at Greenwich, all to be torn down later! Bisley is an easy and accessible drive for me, which would have been perfect and the facilities are superb. I will never understand this.
Posted By: Mr W martin Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/03/12 02:26 PM
hello again lagopus,
yes,super publicity for our sport thanks to wilson etc.Surprisingly, he was given a fair interview afterwards and he came across as a superb ambassador on shootings behalf.A bit of light at the end of the tunnel ,hopefully.

Posted By: Birdog Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/03/12 03:56 PM
Wilson did a fine job all around, congratulations Peter .
I watched the interview and he is a very positive representative of the sport.

Quite the custom stock on his gun.
Posted By: Hairy Clipper Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/04/12 01:10 AM
I wonder how many of you were shooting ATA trap against his coach in the 1980's? His coach won a Gold Medal in 2004. I think he was living in Texas at the time.
Posted By: Claybird Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/04/12 01:41 AM
Congratulation to him!

I wish I could have seen it, but so far as I know it was not televised here in the US. Is that a surprise?

I don't know about shotgun, but I understand all of the Brits competing in single projectile were not even allowed to practice in the UK!
Posted By: Salopian Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/04/12 06:26 AM
Correct, our pistol team have to practice in France.
Only drug Barons allowed to use pistols in Britain.
Cannot imprison them due to Police not being paid enough overtime hours, crooked lawyers, stupid laws designed to protect criminals and then interference from European Court of Human Rights in Brussels??? Belgians can only make chocolates and Lager, yet we let them tell us what to do. That's why we still have to pay to keep Abdul Hamsar in prison and also support his twelve wives, numerous children and pay for houses to accommodate them all.
Here in Britain if a villain breaks into your house, rapes your wife and you shoot him dead , You got to prison for life for manslaughter, because you deliberately shot him, premeditated action, you actually meant to harm him.
A neighbour of mine shot a burglar as he tried to get away, hit him in the spine and paralysed him.
My neighbour went to prison for 12 years, his very successful car hire company went into recession, closed with the loss of 150 jobs. The Burglar sued and got £1million compensation for damages .
Posted By: Salopian Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/04/12 06:29 AM
Apologies for my rant, maybe I should have started a new thread.
Please do not allow this to detract from Peter Wilson's superb result.
Congratulations to ALL Olympic medal winners and competitors you are THE best.
Posted By: lagopus Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/04/12 08:44 AM
I'm with you there Salopian and I used to have the unenviable job of trying to enforce those laws.

One thing that puzzles me is what changes they had to make to the laws to allow the foreign competitors to shoot the target pistol matches. Target pistol shooting carries a 5 year minimum mandatory prison sentence here. So, are they going to have to miss the Rio Olympics and we keep them or what? I must ask my M.P. about that one. Another British cynic. Lagopus.....
Posted By: Oldfarmer Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/04/12 03:35 PM
This is the iplayer link...

just copy and paste it into your browser. It was nail biting stuff so well worth watching.
Not sure how long it will stay active.
Posted By: Dave in Maine Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/04/12 05:04 PM
Originally Posted By: salopian
Apologies for my rant, maybe I should have started a new thread.
Please do not allow this to detract from Peter Wilson's superb result.
Congratulations to ALL Olympic medal winners and competitors you are THE best.

Quite all right. You're correct to rant, and topically you're spot on.
Posted By: Claybird Re: British Shooter Wins Olympic Gold. - 08/04/12 07:53 PM

Quite right to rant.

I have never understood why all of the "loophole lawyers" and "weepeasy sociologists" are so sympathetic to the scum that afflict us all, but want to extract the last drop of blood from those who defend themselves.

At least in many of our States (usually, but not exclusively, in our South) in the last few years the legislatures are adopting so-called "Castle Laws," permitting use of force against these criminals.
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