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Posted By: PA24 Tony Teadwells & time in UK..... - 04/13/12 07:39 PM
Marie has advised the time and date of Tony Treadwells Funeral Service for all his friends in the UK and for anyone that happens to be in the UK and wishes to attend.....she asked me to post it here for everyone......

12 PM Friday, April 20th, Kings Sutton Church, Kings Sutton Oxfordshire UK.....

Then afterwards at their home, Mill House Farm, Mill Lane, Kings Sutton UK.....

Best Regards,
Thanks Doug. For those of us that can't attend, I know I will say a little something in his behalf and will always think of him when I see some of the guns he loved.
Thanks for the notification. I'll be there.
Dig, please give the family our condolences and best wishes.


I will pass on the thoughts and kind wishes of all from the forum.
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