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Posted By: 775 L.C. Smith/Baker hammergun...... - 11/02/10 01:02 AM
I have visited the LC site but am still a bit confused. When were the guns with the front trigger break action made?

The patent for that invention #199,773 dated Jan. 29, 1878.;q&f=false
Posted By: Tom Martin Re: L.C. Smith/Baker hammergun...... - 11/02/10 03:30 AM
The Brown patent for the LC Smith top lever guns is dated 1883 I believe, and the guns were produced under that patent from 1884, so that gives you a spread of years for the production of the Baker designed action.
Posted By: Researcher Re: L.C. Smith/Baker hammergun...... - 11/02/10 02:05 PM
William H. Baker was making his trigger break guns in Marathon and then Lisle, NY, in the 1875 and 76 time frame. Then formed a partnership with L.C. Smith, Leroy Smith and George Livermore as W.H. Baker & Co. and moved to Syracuse, NY, in 1877. A couple of years later the partnership disolved when W.H. Baker, Leroy Smith and George Livermore headed to Ithaca to make a new Baker-designed gun, leaving L.C. Smith as the Maker of the Baker gun in Syracuse.
I believe the company that they formed was the Ithaca Gun Company.
Posted By: Daryl Hallquist Re: L.C. Smith/Baker hammergun...... - 11/02/10 02:51 PM
The front trigger break double was made by L C Smith until 1883 or so. The front trigger break drilling was made into the late 1880s.
Posted By: 775 Re: L.C. Smith/Baker hammergun...... - 11/04/10 01:37 AM
Thank you Daryl, that is exactly what I was wondering about....lots of other good info too!

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